Tag Archives: your

Take Control Of Your Life: Self Help For Depression, Anxiety Disorders, Confidence, Success & More

This self help book is designed to be something that will be a useful part of your life not just a few hours read. I wanted to create something that covered many of life’s difficulties so that over the years you always have a reference manual with ruffled edges from continued use. This book covers self help topics from depression, anxiety, PTSD, phobias, OCD and pain management, to addictions and sleep difficulties. Unlike many other books I don’t want to portray that I am the cause of your positive change. My aim is to be a guide that gives you ideas to help you take control in your life for your own change
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Get Out of Your Own Way: Overcoming Self-Defeating Behavior

Procrastination…Envy…Anger…Self-pity…Compulsion….In any of its many forms, self-defeating behavior is the single most common reason that people seek psychotherapy. It is a poison that prevents people from achieving the love, success, and happiness they desire. Get Out of Your Own Way is an antidote, explaining the reasons for self-sabotage by going back to the childhood origins of various behaviors. With anecdotes and usable insights drawn from twenty years of psychiatric clinical practice, Dr. Mark Goulston shares ideas that have helped thousands of patients overcome pain, fear, and confusion-to approach life’s challenges with dignity, wisdom, courage, and even
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Law of Attraction Handbook: Revealing the Secrets to Manifest Your Desires Instantly to Success

This book is designed be a simple, practical and easy how-to guide for working with the Law of Attraction. Aiman Al-Maimani has put together concise and straightforward concepts and step-by-step exercises that will quickly help you start deliberately using the Law of Attraction in your life.Al-Maimani shows you how to effectively change your thoughts, and to use visualization, affirmations, and meditation to enhance your connection to your higher self. These proven techniques will create lasting change and allow desire to become reality.

You will learn:
– How to get clear about what you want.
– How to change negative, repetitive thoughts.
– How to tap your subconscious mind through the power of meditation.
– How to use affirmations to help you stay on track
– How to set and filter goals.

And much more …


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