Tag Archives: your

Competency-Based Resumes: How To Bring Your Resume To The Top Of The Pile (Paperback)

Competency-Based Resumes: How To Bring Your Resume To The Top Of The Pile

Do you want the key to the best jobs with the best employers? It’s time to play offense instead of defense. Competency-Based Resumes shows today’s job candidates a new, more targeted way to write resumes to get them back on the same playing field with the best employers and improve their odds of winning the job they want. The system an employer uses when filling jobs has changed significantly in the past few years, and it is still evolving. Rather than simply looking at an applicant’s past jobs, companies are instead looking at candidate’s experiences in certain key areas-including measurable work habits and the personal skills, known as competencies, used to achieve objectives at work. Competency-Based Resumes offers you a new and effective way to create resumes that emphasizes the knowledge, skills, and abilities that you have and employers need. Many sophisticated U.S. and international organizations are using competency-based systems to recruit, interview, selec (more…)

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Learning to Love Yourself: Finding Your Self-Worth [Paperback]

Learning to Love Yourself: Finding Your Self-Worth

From Publishers Weekly

The director of a Texas clinic that specializes in treating chemical dependencies and family problems, Wegscheider-Cruse gears this guide specifically to adult children of alcoholics and generally to anyone suffering from low self-esteem. She offers a definition of self-worth”my valuable identity deserving all good things”and urges readers to change damaging habits, rethink past experiences and develop new behaviors that enhance emotional growth. Her detailed advice is sometimes sensibleto raise self-worth, she writes, we need to become aware of of the “forces of our past which have held us back.” But sometimes she is unhelpful, as when she suggests that those who cover their low self-worth with compulsive busyness “make home-made bread” or “build a birdhouse.” Copyright 1987 Reed Business Information, Inc.

Learning to love yourself is a journey to self worth. According to the author, it is necessary for us to get rid of our (more…)

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Live Your Dreams… Let Reality Catch Up: NLP and Common Sense for Coaches, Managers and You (Paperback)

Live Your Dreams... Let Reality Catch Up: NLP and Common Sense for Coaches, Managers and You

“If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become it.” -William Arthur Ward How many of us live our lives according to others expectations? How many of us have put our lives on hold to accommodate a spouse (current or past), our parents, our children, someone who is needier than us, for our job… How many of us wander through life, with one day the same as the next with little passion for living or purpose in life? How many of us know we could do better, if only we knew how to communicate – with ourselves and with others? Live Your Dreams… Let Reality Catch Up helps you discover who you are, what really motivates you and provides you with the knowledge and tools for you to choose what you want in life. It all begins with communication – the conversation you have with yourself and then the conversation you have with someone else. Do you tell yourself how wonderful you are or do you focus on how things can go wrong, that yo (more…)

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