Tag Archives: writing for a living

Copywriting Skills can Improve eBay eBook Sales

Copyright 2006 John Thornhill

Having a perfect title, a great auction template, a good price and a well-conceived plan regarding how to handle inquiries and effectuate sales sounds like a recipe for success for any eBay eBook seller. However, there is one component missing. In order to really make one’s sales numbers jump, there is a need for copywriting talent.

Copywriting refers to the writing of sales copy. In the case of eBay sellers, this involves all of the information provided in your auction. This is what potential customers see and read when making their decision on an eBook. In many cases, they can choose to buy that product from a variety of vendors. Why should they choose you? In some cases, they may not be sure the eBook in question is exactly what they want. Why should they buy that eBook? Often, buyers have heard about scams and raw deals in the eBook field. Why should they trust you?

Good copywriting answers those questions for the prospect. It sets them at ease, sells them the product and closes the deal. A seller with a perfect system, the greatest eBook ever and a low price will still find sales difficult without good copywriting within the auction.

How does one develop good copywriting skills? Unfortunately, the answer does not involve a quick or easy solution. Practice and training are usually the source of the best copywriting.

This does not mean that the average eBook seller is out of luck, however. Remember, most of the competition is unskilled at copywriting, making any gain in knowledge on the subject beneficial. Additionally, there are a variety of guides, hints and tips freely available online for those who are interested in improving their copywriting skills.

Don’t expect to master copywriting overnight, however. The process of writing effective ad copy involves writing skills along with an understanding of persuasion and the consumer psychology. What may appear to be simple is actually deceptively complex.

For those who are serious about the eBook selling business, hiring a freelance copywriter may be a great idea. Some successful eBook sellers employ copywriters for virtually every project. Others rely on their expert assistance only a few times in order to get a good idea of how to write sales copy that produces results.

Good sales copy can be the difference between a rousing success and a horrifying failure. Too often, we convince ourselves that our education or life experience qualify us to write our advertising copy. We frequently don’t even realize just how much room for improvement exists in our own stabs at copywriting. This oversight is one of the mistakes an eBook seller can make. As the marketplace begins to crowd, finding ways to improve the performance of an auction becomes essential. One of the best ways to help is by making sure your auction features the kind of copywriting that truly leads people to make purchases.

Copywriting Service vs. PLR Membership

In today’s day and age there are a lot of people who are looking for an easy way out; a way to buck the system. And even though there are some areas in life where this is possible, when it comes to web content you do not want to take any shortcuts.

If you are in need of content for your website or blog, you have two options available to you.

1. You can visit a copywriting service website and take advantage of their ghostwriting services. Even though you may have to shell out a bit of money, you will still be getting 100% original, quality content.

2. You can rely on private label rights (plr) articles. There are several sites that offer these types of articles for a monthly fee. The way that they work is quite simple. Every month for a set membership fee you will receive a certain number of articles. This may sound like a good deal, but do you know all of the details? To join one of these sites you will have to pay a monthly fee of up to $100 for some sites; still this may not seem bad compared to hiring a copywriting service. But with plr articles, you will also be sharing them with hundreds of other people. That’s right; you will not be the only one who uses the article.

If you cannot tell by now, each service offers its own level of benefits. But for the majority of people, hiring a copywriting service is the way to go. Listed below are a few ways that a copywriting service is better than a plr service.

1. When you deal with a copywriting service you will be getting 100% original articles that you and you alone will have the sole rights to. This means that nobody else has permission to use the articles. On the other hand, with plr articles you have to share with hundreds of other people. Sure, you may get a lower price but is it worth it? If you get caught using duplicate content on your site you will be penalized and your site may even be shut down. Search engines are aware of this problem, and are cracking down on it very hard.

2. With a copywriting service you will get articles that are written to suit your needs. If you want 10 articles on home based business you can get them. In addition, you can even specify the length and keyword density. But when you work with a plr site you get what they send, and only what they send. If none of the articles suit your needs you are stuck with content that is worth next to nothing.

3. A copywriting service gives you what you want, when you want it. If you need a certain amount of articles on a specific topic within two days you can get it with a copywriting service. At a plr site, you get what they write and they send it when they want. So even though you will save money, what are the chances that you will ever get exactly what you want, when you want it? The answer is slim to none.

As you can see, a copywriting service is almost always better than a membership to a PLR site. If you are in need of original, targeted, quality content seek out a copywriting service that you can rely on.

Direct Response Copywriting

There is a great deal of direct response copywriting in the world today. Direct response copywriting can take several different forms. It could encompass a direct-mail campaign as well as direct response ads. Within this article today on direct response copywriting, we will look at what this entails and where you can find more information about direct response copywriting.

To learn more about direct response copywriting, you should look at one of the masters: Dan Kennedy. He has written many books which you should look into. Dan has done many different areas of copywriting but direct response copywriting is one of his specialties.

When you talk about direct response advertising, there is a great deal of competition. Many companies employ direct response copywriting so you must make sure that you have different ways for your advertising to stand up. When you are doing direct response copywriting, you should make sure that you are writing to your prospects as you would write to a friend. This will be slightly formal but informal in the sense that you are writing to the person in a conversational tone. You do not need to stick to a certain length of space within your writing but rather write until what you need to say has been said.

Direct response copywriting is a complex subject so you should read more about this subject because a formula has been developed that you can use. There is no reason to reinvent the wheel when you’re copywriting because that involves more work on your part and people have taken the time and effort to test the different parts of the letter to maximize the current formula and wring out the most sales possible with a direct response copywriting campaign. There are three main parts usually to a direct response letter. These are the headline, the offer, and the postscript. The headline is the most read part of your sales letter so you must make sure to grab your prospects’ attention immediately. If you do not grab their attention, you’ll find that your direct response copywriting letter is at the bottom of the trashcan along with many other junk letters. The second most important part of the letter is the postscript. This is where you will be giving an incentive for someone to respond immediately to what you have to offer. With the offer, you want to make sure that this explains in great detail what a person will receive if they take you up on your offer. The postscript will offer further incentives so that the person will respond immediately.

Hopefully this article on direct response copywriting has benefited you. The key behind direct response copywriting is that you want the person to immediately respond to the offer that you have presented. Good copywriting is done by following the formulas that have been established. By focusing upon the three main parts such as the headline, the offer, and the postscript, you will be setting yourself up to have a high success rate. Direct response copywriting can be very effective and produce great sales for you or your clients if you do it correctly so be sure to continue to learn more about the subject.