Tag Archives: writing for a living

How To Get More People To Respect Your Value

Doesn’t it suck when people don’t respect the price you charge? When they always want a special deal? Well guess what? It’s probably YOUR fault! When people ring around for quotes on price, and it happens a lot with Yellow Pages directory ads, they’ll ring 2-3 businesses usually. That’s what everyone has been ‘trained to do as consumers, and it’s the ads that force them to. How? All the ads look the same!

Just think about when you need a service, say your lawns mowed. So you open the yellow pages and look up lawn-mowing, and there are dozens of ads with people wanting to mow your lawn. So who do you choose?Whoever is cheapest, right? And why? Because all the ads look the same, so there isn’t anything that makes one business different from the next. And if that’s the case, the only difference comes down to the price!

Makes sense really, because if all the ads look the same then PRICE can be the only difference between them, right? So if the ads for each industry are virtually all saying the same thing, can you understand that you’re educating your market to base your value on price? Then what you need to do is create a unique selling proposition that will make you STAND OUT from your competition.

Now let me explain what a unique selling proposition is and how you can get one for your business. Every day we are subjected to about 4,000 to 5,000 advertising messages, so we all need to do work a bit harder to stand out from the crowd, and that’s what the USP will do for you. It’s that CORE reason that someone should buy from you. And here’s a great tool for finding your USP in half an hour.

Grab a piece of paper, and draw a straight line down the middle. On the top of the left-hand column I want you to write “You know how….” And here is where you write down all the things that your competitors do badly. Now we are just building a list, so don’t be critical of what you’re writing, or how you write it.

At the top of the right-hand column write “Well what we do is…” And here you write down all the things that you do that are great, basically laying out ALL your cards. Once you’ve done this, you should have a list of what your competitors do, and all the things you offer which are different from them, and this is what you base your Unique Selling Proposition around.

And if you haven’t come up with anything from this exercise, then you need to create something to be different! Once you have a USP, then turn it into a statement everywhere your advertising goes, as a reason why someone should do business with you over anyone else!

Another great way to make sure your customer is happy to pay extra for your business is what’s called ‘dollars for cents’ copy. We all love a bargain, right? What this means is to throw in so much value it’s not funny. Say for example you have a $99 product for sale, and you throw in $300 worth of free bonuses, you’ll make sure the customer comes out way in front in terms of value. So they are paying you just ‘cents’, but getting ‘dollars’ back in value.

The key with this method is to make sure the bonuses you throw in are low cost to you, but high perceived value to your customer. You could offer a free report, cd or dvd, any type of information products like this are quite inexpensive to produce, yet the information contained within could be very valuable to your customers. This makes the buying decision so much easier when your customer is getting much more value than what they are paying for. This is one technique you should always strive to use, and it can literally set your sales soaring!

Million Dollar Copywriting

Copywriting can be a very lucrative field and is for many writers out there today. Within this article today, we’ll focus on how you can make copywriting a strong field for you so that you have million-dollar copywriting.

The first key and developing million-dollar copywriting is to make sure that you have the right skills for the job. Many people will focus on copywriting as a potentially lucrative field but do not have the necessary experience or expertise for this area. When you are looking to make a great deal of money in copywriting, make sure that you have a solid base of copywriting experience before you start to sell your services. If you have a solid base of copywriting experience along with testimonials and references from past work, you will have a better chance at being able to set your own rate.

To ensure that you are doing a great deal of copywriting, you will want to make sure that you are consistently prospecting for new business. As you are working on your current business and making your high rates, you’ll always want to make sure that you have worked in the pipeline. This will ensure that you are able to consistently bring in high revenues while not having to have as much slow time at some other freelancers have.

To effectively develop and prospect for new business, you must make sure to have your own website and have proven marketing techniques so that you can develop your million-dollar copywriting skills. You may be the best copywriter in the world but without a demand, you will not have a chance to prove your skills or bring in the paychecks that you want and deserve. There are many copywriters today who still do not have a website but this is just another way for you to set yourself apart from the competition. Another way you can set yourself apart from the competition is to develop a niche. This could mean that you do a great deal of copywriting within the healthcare industry because you worked with in it for several years.

Hopefully this article on million-dollar copywriting will have a strong effect on you. Demand on copywriting comes down to the same fundamentals that all new businesses have: an ability to prospect and sell your company to others while building and maintaining a strong client base. You will develop a strong client base by providing great work so that clients will come back to you for repeat business. This will limit the amount of time that you potentially have to prospect for business because you will have clients who will have consistent demand for it. For a company to survive, they must market and marketing requires copywriting. Marketing and copywriting are as essential to a company as oxygen is to human beings. By developing a particular niche within a field, you will set yourself apart from others who are trying to do it all.

Keyword Article Companies

When it comes to making the most of your website or blog, you will need to have top notch content. The bottom line is that content brings visitors to your site, and visitors bring profits.

In order to increase traffic to your site, you will want to use a good mix of keyword articles. These will go a long way in increasing your traffic from search engines. Not to mention the fact that keyword articles can also be very educational.

When looking to choose a keyword article company to help you out, there are three important things that you should keep in mind. These details are as follows.

1. A good keyword article company should be devoted to helping you succeed through quality content. This means that you will want to find a service that offers quality content, not just fluff. After all, people are going to be reading what you put on your site. If your writers do not do a good job you will not be making your visitors happy.

2. Even though price is not everything, you will want to take it into consideration. Think of it this way. If you need 10 articles a week, and one service offers them for $6 an article and another $8, you will be saving $20 total every week. Over the course of a month this is $80; and during the year $960. Surely you could find something to do with an extra $960. Remember, costs can add up; shop for the best price without compromising quality.

3. Search for personal service. When you order any type of copywriting project chances are that you will need to be in touch with the writers you are working with. This means that you should do your best to choose a service that will walk you through the process, not one that simply completes the work and sends it back without communication.

Overall, there are several top quality keyword article companies that are available to work for you. As long as you do your research and follow the tips above you should be able to find the one that best suits your needs.