Tag Archives: writing copy

Copywriting Rates

Within this article on copywriting rates, we’ll look at how much you can make both employed as a copywriter as well as what type of copywriting rates you can charge if you are a freelancer.

If you are employed as a copywriter, you can make a small amount or large amount of money depending on your expertise and how you sell yourself. The average writer in 2005 earned roughly around $60,000 including bonuses, according to Advertising Age. This was quoted at the following website: http://www.collegeboard.com.

As far as copywriting rates go when you are a freelancer, this is a hard question to answer. Some people charge on a per project basis while others charged on a per hour basis. Here are some facts from a study done back in 2005 so adjust these figures slightly for the purposes of this article. If you like to learn more about copywriting rates up front, here is the link for that: http://www.excessvoice.com/copyfees.htm. If you write a sales letter that is supposed to generate leads, most freelancers charged somewhere between $1000 and $2000.

If you were to charge for writing a website home page, this often would bring in between $300 and $400 for you. Copywriting is a very good profession as about two out of every five people earned somewhere between $50,000 and $100,000 a year in gross income. Be sure that you take advantage of purchasing these survey results because it could allow you to earn a great deal more money. You could find that you are grossly undercharging your services in this could provide an immediate boost to your income without having to do any more work.

The figures that were quoted here were based upon the median of copywriters surveyed so if you have specific knowledge and experience that others do not and this can be quantified, you could charge a higher price than what the market could bear. This would allow you to have a greater gross income. Taking the time to learn more by your field and develop experience within a particular niche can give you a competitive attitude which would allow you to charge more for your services.
Hopefully this article on copywriting writing rates has given you some knowledge on what kind of rates you could charge. If you want more information on particular activities that you currently engaged in, look up the survey which is listed under the link provided above.

All of the rates that were listed in here were the median rates remember. This is the critical point that is being re-emphasized in this paragraph because it should give you an idea of what you could potentially charge. Rates within markets can always change so you must make sure that you’re keeping up with what others are charging so that you make sure you are not shortchanging your self. The rate that you charge for services is contingent upon what the market is willing to pay as well as how well you sell yourself.

Copywriting Lyrics

Within this article on copywriting lyrics, we will look at this particular field a little more closely.

Copywriting takes on a similar form no matter what niche you are writing for. This is exactly true when copywriting lyrics. When you are working at copywriting lyrics, you are writing a message to a certain audience. To do this, you must understand the way that your audience thinks and acts and what sort of message is going to appeal to them. Many people write songs every year but these are not played on the radio because it is not something meets with the audience’s thoughts and feelings. People who are good at copywriting lyrics know what their audience wants and gives it to them.

You will be working to get a message across but you also are working to provide instant recognition of a song. A good example of this would be Beyonce’s new song, “Irreplaceable.” In this song, one of the main lyrics within there is “To the left, to the left.” If you are to hear this on the radio without knowing what the song sounds like, this provides instant recognition of the song. This helps build the knowledge and awareness of the particular singer of the song.

Copywriting lyrics does not necessarily have to be just about the sales. The ability to put words together in a manner that move people is a talent that very few people have. Words have the ability to carry you to different places or to bring you down and this is what music can do every day. When you are copywriting lyrics, you are sending a message to people if they are truly listened to the entire song. Often we cannot remember the entire words to the song so that is where the hook or the chorus can come in.

Any time you are copywriting, you are working to persuade an audience in one form or another. Copywriting lyrics is very similar to writing articles in a newspaper because you’re putting across a certain message. When you’re writing lyrics, you are speaking from the perspective of a particular person and trying to get a certain message across to an audience. This audience will be moved hopefully in that they will like the song as well as think about purchasing the album. These are two critical steps that go in tandem with each other.

Hopefully this article on copywriting lyrics has given you some insight into the subject. Copywriting lyrics is meant to achieve the same purpose as any other form of copywriting: build an awareness of a particular singer. It is hard for someone to remember the words to an entire song but most people can remember a short phrase or statement from a song. This can be a great way to help an artist’s sales. Remember that copywriting can have several different focuses with the writing. This is not something that is normally focused on but a message can be used in different manners.

Copywriting Vancouver

If you are looking at copywriting in Vancouver, remember that you have great opportunities in front of you for several different reasons. With the growth of the Internet and the development of online freelance markets, you are able to work on projects from all over the world. You are not limited to companies that are located strictly in Vancouver. This article on copywriting in Vancouver will focus on the different freelance online markets that you can use as well as certain opportunities that you may have with in your local area.

There are several online freelance markets which you will want to look into for possible work. The first one which you should look into it is: http://www.elance.com. This website is great because it has an established base of customers as well as new customers looking for work every week. Within their website, it was listed that more than 100,000 potential customers visit the website every week. This is a great deal of business which you may not be privy to if you do not join the website. You can have particular projects e-mailed to you when they’re posted and you’re also able to post a profile to showcase the best work that you have done.

The second website which you should look into is: http://www.directfreelance.com. This website does not receive as much traffic as the website profiled in the first paragraph but you’ll find that it is also a valuable resource for you. It has the same capabilities in that you can have jobs that meet your criteria e-mailed to you when they are posted. These two websites should spotlight for you the ease with which you can work in Asia or in Vancouver without having to worry about your particular local market.

Vancouver is also a great place where you can work. In Vancouver, there are local job boards which you can use to post your particular skills or look for local projects. The first one is www2.vcn.bc.ca/directory?catid=25. The second one is http://vancouver.craigslist.org/. The beauty of working in Vancouver in looking for Vancouver projects is that if someone feels uncomfortable using the Internet to employ a copywriter, you are able to meet with that particular individual and sell yourself. If you look on these two websites, use that as a competitive advantage to set yourself apart from your competition which may not be in your direct area. Copywriting is such a competitive field that you will need to take advantage of whatever resources you have available and the fact that you live where the client lives can be a huge selling point.

Hopefully copywriting in Vancouver has given you a better idea of how you can work around the world as well as within your locale. Remember that you can bid on projects from any part of world and how you present yourself in the work that you are able to do will often be what sets you apart from the competition. No matter what type of job you bid on, be sure to find some sort of selling point that will allow you to set yourself apart from the competition. This could be the local factor if a potential client lives in Vancouver or it could be something else. Good luck in finding jobs within copywriting in Vancouver.