Tag Archives: With

Getting Started with Spanish: Beginning Spanish for Homeschoolers and Self-Taught Students of Any Age (homeschool Spanish, teach yourself Spanish, learn Spanish at home)

Getting Started with Spanish: Beginning Spanish for Homeschoolers and Self-Taught Students of Any Age is a book that teaches beginning Spanish gradually yet systematically. This unique method was designed specifically to help homeschooled and self-taught students overcome the obstacles they face when studying Spanish at home. In each lesson, after learning something new, you can immediately apply what you’ve learned by translating the fun practice sentences. Download the free MP3 files that accompany the book and listen to a native speaker (co-author Antonio Orta) pronounce all the exercises. As you practice speaking and understanding spoken Spanish, refer to the answer key in the back if you get stuck. For additional help and instruction, the authors have provided extensive audio commentary recordings that teach through every lesson and exercise in the book. Everything you need is here in one book, so what’s stopping you from Getting Started with
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Legends of the Gods the Egyptian Texts, Edited With Translations

The book has no illustrations or index. Purchasers are entitled to a free trial membership in the General Books Club where they can select from more than a million books without charge. Subjects: Religion / General; History / Ancient / Egypt; History / Middle East / Egypt; History / World; Social Science / Archaeology; Social Science /
Sale Price:[productprice id=115363709X web=com asotag=1amazingincom-20]


Instant Self-Hypnosis: How to Hypnotize Yourself with Your Eyes Open

Hypnosis is a proven technique that allows people to reprogram their subconscious to change unwanted behaviors. Most books on self-hypnosis require the reader to memorize or record scripts, then put the book aside while they do their hypnosis work. But Instant Self-Hypnosis is the only self-hypnosis book that allows you to hypnotize yourself as you read, with your eyes wide open, without putting down the book.The author’s fail-proof method allows you to put yourself into a hypnotic state and then use that state to improve your life in myriad ways. And because the hypnotic state is induced while you read, you remain aware of your surroundings and can bring yourself back to normal consciousness slowly and gently, using the instructions
Sale Price:[productprice id=1402202695 web=com asotag=1amazingincom-20]
