Tag Archives: With

William Goldman: Five Screenplays with Essays (Applause Books)

A collection of five screenplays by this Academy Award-winning writer. Includes: All the President’s Men * Magic * Harper * Maverick * The Great Waldo Pepper. Also features essays by Goldman: “Getting Even or Creative Accounting,” “Sneak Previews, or Why Did She Have to Die?,” “Hype or Consequences: A Brief History of the Future,” “Shooting from the Hip: Don’t You Know Anything About Screenwriting?,” and “Nothing for Me to Steal: The Secret Life of an
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501 Spanish Verbs with CD-ROM and Audio CD (501 Verb Series)

The world’s bestselling Spanish verbs reference book has just gotten better! The authors focus directly on a command of Spanish verbs–and fluency in Spanish starts with knowledge of verbs. This new seventh edition shows students and travelers exactly how to use the 501 most common and useful Spanish verbs in all 15 tenses and moods. Each verb is alphabetically listed in easy-to-follow chart form, one verb per page with its English translation. Enclosed with the book are two discs, a CD-ROM with language-learning aids, and an audio CD that reviews the formation and usage of Spanish verb forms. New features include– Formation and usage of Spanish verb tenses and moods summarized as they relate to their English equivalents The 55 most essential Spanish verbs used in context Another 2,200 regular verbs conjugated like the book’s 501 model verbs Verbs in idiomatic phrases Passive and active voice formations Sentences demonstrating Spanish verb usage in all
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SPANISH in 10 minutes a day® with CD-ROM

SPANISH in 10 minutes a day® Book 132-page illustrated workbook Full color throughout Organized in 25 easy steps, by essential categories 150 Sticky Labels for home and office Ready-made Flash Cards Cut-out Menu Guide Pronunciation Guide Over 300 Free Words Glossary of over 2,000 new words, definitions and pronunciation SPANISH in 10 minutes a day® CD-ROM Included with the 10 minutes a day® Book Special language learning software features interactive Sticky Labels, Flash Cards, Colors and Numbers See and hear the words as you play with them on your computer screen PC and Mac friendly It s the perfect time to learn Spanish! The ever-popular SPANISH in 10 minutes a day® Book now comes with a new interactive CD-ROM, full of fun computer activities including interactive Sticky Labels, Flash Cards and more. This book/CD-ROM combo is a complete, and fun, hands-on language learning experience, teaching you everything you ll need for your travels abroad. From the time
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