Tag Archives: With

Spanish for Gringos Level 1 with 3 Audio CDs (Barron’s Educational Series)

Now in its third edition, and featuring additional commonly used words and phrases, this popular and informal self-instruction program is a quick and easy way to pick up informal, practical Spanish without having to memorize tedious rules. ItÂ’s designed for English-speakers who are in regular contact with Hispanics and need to communicate with them for both work purposes and social situations. Most-often-used Spanish words and phrases are emphasized and repeated in different contexts. The author also advises on Spanish pronunciation and improving listening comprehension. The three enclosed audio CDs reflect the bookÂ’s contents and demonstrate correct Spanish
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Spanish Vocabulary Flash Cards: The 1000 Most Common Words with Definitions

In addition to the grammar, you have to master the Spanish vocabulary. These are the most used words with their definitions. By memorizing these critical words, you will be one step closer along the long path that leads to mastering the Spanish
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Adam Sharp, Swimming with the Sharks (Adam Sharp, Book 3)

Something is sinking the world’s ships! Eight-year-old super spy Adam Sharp dives right in to figure out what’s going on. But he never expected to see huge robot sharks biting holes in the bottom of the ships. And he certainly never expected to see the words “MADE IN BERMUDA” on the sharks’ metal
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