Tag Archives: With

One Minute Mysteries: 65 Short Mysteries You Solve With Science! (Paperback)

One Minute Mysteries: 65 Short Mysteries You Solve With Science!

Not an ordinary mystery book, One Minute Mysteries makes science fun! Each one-minute mystery (solutions included) exercises critical thinking skills while covering earth, space, life, physical, chemical, and general science. A bonus section includes five mysteries from our upcoming title in the series, One Minute Mysteries: Solve ’em with Math! This entertaining and educational book is great for kids, grown-ups, schools, educators, homeschoolers and anyone who loves good mysteries, good science, or both!


Learn to Speak the Navajo Language Faster and Easier with Subliminal Programming CD (Audio CD)

Learn to Speak the Navajo Language Faster and Easier with Subliminal Programming CD

The Superior Navajo subliminal CD is designed to super charge your brain to learn Navajo faster and easier than ever imagined. Most people struggle when they try to learn Navajo, but now you dont have to because subliminal programming can prime your brain to acquire the language rapidly.
All you have to do is continue the same Navajo classes or reading material that youre studying now and listen to this CD to accelerate your learning ability. It wont teach, but it will turn you into an Navajo learning machine.
This CD contains 6 ten minute subliminal sessions to choose from. Each session contains the same subliminal suggestions carefully crafted by hypnotist Alex Armani, CHT. You get to choose which track(s) to listen to!
Successful people across the world are using subliminal programming to help them correct bad habits, improve their health, and acquire new languages faster than ever possible before. Subliminal programming means you will hear NO AUDIBLE VOICE because (more…)

Legal Writing in Plain English: A Text With Exercises (Paperback)

Legal Writing in Plain English: A Text With Exercises

A guide to effective, clear, and powerful legal writing, encouraging writers to challenge conventions. Shows how to organize ideas, create and refine prose, sharpen editing skills, and clear language of jargon. Teaches straight thinking, featuring examples and four model documents. Softcover, hardcover also available. DLC: Legal composition.

From the Inside Flap

In Legal Writing in Plain English, Bryan A. Garner provides lawyers, judges, paralegals, law students, and legal scholars sound advice and practical tools for improving their written work. The book encourages legal writers to challenge conventions and offers valuable insights into the writing process: how to organize ideas, create and refine prose, and sharpen editing skills. In essence, it teaches straight thinking—a skill inseparable from good writing.

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