Tag Archives: With

Fluenz Version F2: Spanish 1+2+3 with supplemental Audio CDs and Podcasts

The new Fluenz F2 is the fastest, most powerful version yet. It is the direct result of hundreds of thousands of user hours, built upon their feedback and suggestions to enhance both performance and aesthetics. From small changes to a variety of great new features, F2 delivers a Spanish learning experience far superior to anything else out there.


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Get the Life You Want: The Secrets to Quick and Lasting Life Change with Neuro-Linguistic Programming (Hardcover)

Get the Life You Want: The Secrets to Quick and Lasting Life Change with Neuro-Linguistic Programming


‘Richard Bandler has made an extraordinary contribution to people’s lives across the planet.  His highly powerful personal change techniques have enabled millions around the world to feel better about themselves and improve their lives. He gets results that nobody else can.  Read Richard Bandler’s Guide to Personal Change: It will change your life.’– Paul McKenna, Ph.D., coauthor of I Can Make You Thin and host of TLC’s I Can Make You Thin

When people and therapists alike have a problem they can’t fix, they call Richard Bandler because he delivers–often with miraculous results. Hailed as one of the greatest geniuses in the field of personal change, and the father of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Richard Bandler has helped tens of thousands of people around the globe rid themselves of ‘incurable’ phobias, fears, anxieties, addictions, negative habits, and past traumas often in a single session. Get the Life You Want is Richard Bandler at (more…)

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Learn to Speak the Bosnian Language Faster and Easier with Subliminal Programming CD (Audio CD)

Learn to Speak the Bosnian Language Faster and Easier with Subliminal Programming CD

The Superior Bosnian subliminal CD is designed to super charge your brain to learn Bosnian faster and easier than ever imagined. Most people struggle when they try to learn Bosnian, but now you dont have to because subliminal programming can prime your brain to acquire the language rapidly.
All you have to do is continue the same Bosnian classes or reading material that youre studying now and listen to this CD to accelerate your learning ability. It wont teach, but it will turn you into an Bosnian learning machine.
This CD contains 6 ten minute subliminal sessions to choose from. Each session contains the same subliminal suggestions carefully crafted by hypnotist Alex Armani, CHT. You get to choose which track(s) to listen to!
Successful people across the world are using subliminal programming to help them correct bad habits, improve their health, and acquire new languages faster than ever possible before. Subliminal programming means you will hear NO AUDIBLE VOICE bec (more…)

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