Tag Archives: Weekly

Kindle Nation: The Weekly Email Newsletter for Kindle Users – February 2009 Digest (DRM-Free with Text-to-Speech Enabled, User-Friendly)

Kindle Nation — a digest of daily posts from the Kindle Nation Daily — is a weekly email newsletter by Stephen Windwalker, author of several books about the Kindle, the Kindle for iPhone App, and other innovations in the world of books. You may sign up to receive the newsletter as a free email each week at my A Kindle Home Page web site or at http://tinyurl.com/JoinKindleNation. You may also view the Kindle Nation archives free at http://tinyurl.com/KindleNationBackIssues. In addition, I am aggregating the newsletter’s back issues an issue and then a month at a time as a Kindle Store offering, as a convenience for readers who wish to read the newsletter directly on their Kindle or, through the Kindle for iPhone App, on their iPhone or iPod
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