Tag Archives: Visual

The Visual Dictionary of American Domestic Architecture

Architectural historian Rachel Carley offers a richly detailed guide to 500 years of American home design. More than 600 precisely detailed illustrations show readers how to identify and describe a house of a particular style. Every element that may be found on a Beaux Arts townhouse, a Navajo hogan, or a Craftsman bungalow is displayed. An essential reference for American homeowners, restorers, and old-house buffs who, by the year 2000, will spend more on home renovation and restoration than on new-home construction. 600 illus.


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    Visual Link Spanish – Level I

    The Visual LinkTM Level I Spanish Course is designed to teach you to speak in complete sentences and help you become fluent in conversational Spanish. This course consists of interactive computer based lessons that use a combination of visual and audio features to interactively teach you Spanish sentence structure in a way that is fun and easy to remember. After learning from the software lessons, you can review each of the 13 sections using the corresponding audio CDs that accompany the course. This course has been taught at the university level for 7 years, has been taught at major U.S. corporations for over 12 years and it has been sold in over 130 countries.

    System Requirements
    * Windows XP, Vista, 7
    * Available Disk Space: 1.1 GB
    * Intel Core Duo 1.8GHz, AMD Athlon 64 X2 4200+ processor or equivalent
    * 512 MB RAM 1 GB Recommended
    * 256 MB VRAM 512 Recommended
    * CD-ROM drive and speakers
    * 1024 x 768 screen resolution or highe


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    French English Bilingual Visual Dictionary (DK Visual Dictionaries) (Paperback)

    French English Bilingual Visual Dictionary (DK Visual Dictionaries)

    Organized by such common subjects as Home, Work, Eating Out, Transportation, Health and Sports, these bilingual visual dictionaries give students and business people quick access to foreign terms in the simplest and most intuitive way.


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