Tag Archives: User’s

Kindle Nation: The Weekly Email Newsletter for Kindle Users – February 2009 Digest (DRM-Free with Text-to-Speech Enabled, User-Friendly)

Kindle Nation — a digest of daily posts from the Kindle Nation Daily — is a weekly email newsletter by Stephen Windwalker, author of several books about the Kindle, the Kindle for iPhone App, and other innovations in the world of books. You may sign up to receive the newsletter as a free email each week at my A Kindle Home Page web site or at http://tinyurl.com/JoinKindleNation. You may also view the Kindle Nation archives free at http://tinyurl.com/KindleNationBackIssues. In addition, I am aggregating the newsletter’s back issues an issue and then a month at a time as a Kindle Store offering, as a convenience for readers who wish to read the newsletter directly on their Kindle or, through the Kindle for iPhone App, on their iPhone or iPod
Sale Price:[productprice id=B001XCWNMW web=com asotag=1amazingincom-20]


No Kindle Required – The Complete “Kindle for iPhone” User’s Guide/Unlock the “Lightning Web Navigator for iPhone & iPod Touch” (DRM-Free with Text-to-Speech Enabled, User-Friendly)

More than just a guide and introduction to the new, free, must-have Kindle for iPhone App, “No Kindle Required” also provides all that you need to unlock a dazzling new “service in a book,” the “Lightning Web Navigator for iPhone & iPod Touch.” For everything you will ever want to do with your Kindle for iPhone App, and some things you haven’t even thought of yet, bestselling Kindle guide author Stephen Windwalker walks you through each step in the clearest, most concise, easy to follow language.You’ll be pleased to see how easy it is to read Kindle books on your iPhone or iPod Touch, and amazed at how the “Lightning Web Navigator for iPhone & iPod Touch,” included here in the low 99-cent price, allows you to turn your iPhone or iPod Touch into a seamless, direct, no-extra-steps web-browsing computer. Includes: The Convergence of Convergence Devices – Why Kindle for iPhone is a Must-Have App For iPhone and iPod Touch Users – Getting Started with the Kindle for iPhone App – Making
Sale Price:[productprice id=B001V5J9S2 web=com asotag=1amazingincom-20]
