Tag Archives: Translation

Translation: An Advanced Resource Book (Routledge Applied Linguistics) (Paperback)

Translation: An Advanced Resource Book (Routledge Applied Linguistics)


‘To complement and enrich this truly innovative advanced resource book, there is a very useful website where students can browse in search of further text samples, translations, and updated information on developments and events pertaining to the discipline of Translation Studies.’ – The Linguist List

Translation: examines the theory and practice of translation from a variety of linguistic and cultural angles, including semantics, functional linguistics, corpus and cognitive linguistics, discourse analysis, gender studies and postcolonialism draws on a wide range of languages, including French, Spanish, German, Italian, Russian and Arabic explores material from a variety of sources, such as the Internet, advertisements, religious texts, literary and technical texts gathers together influential readings from the key names in the discipline, including James S. Holmes, George Steiner, Vinay and Darbelnet, Eugene Nida, Werner Koller and (more…)

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Translation Studies (Kindle Edition)

Translation Studies


‘An excellent introduction to the discipline of Translation Studies. The notes and select bibliography will be of great value to those interested in further study.’ |I English Studies

How far linguistic and cultural phenomena are translatable, and the meaning of ‘equivalence’ are examined in this revised edition of the bestselling text by one of the leading names in the field of Translation Studies.

See all Editorial Reviews

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The Politics of Aristotle (Volume 2) (Paperback)

The Politics of Aristotle (Volume 2)

From Library Journal

The past few years have seen a spate of new translations of classic texts in philosophy, in part because of more complete texts on which to base the translations and in part because of a desire to render the texts in a more contemporary English. Simpson (classics and philosophy, CUNY) has produced a fresh and lively translation that is perhaps more logically ordered. He makes a strong case for rearranging the standard order of the books of the Politics to provide a sequence more in keeping with Aristotle’s intentions, positioning Books 7 and 8 to follow Book 3. The text begins with a translation of Book 10, Chapter 9 of the Nicomachean Ethics, which Simpson argues is a precursor to the Politics. A comparison with standard translations, such as those of Jowett and Barker, indicates that Simpson put much effort into this version and clarified a number of points that earlier translations left unclear. An excellent addition to all academic and major pub (more…)

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