Tag Archives: Textbook

Smartspanish Cd-rom – Learning Spanish the Smart Way (Mac and Windows 7/Vista/XP)

HUGE SALES BEFORE CHRISTMAS: Originally priced at $49.99. Now ONLY $27.99.

ATTENTION: The novice in Spanish should start with our SmartSpanish – Introduction to Spanish, Vol.1&2 first to learn the basics. — “The intelligent structure and the good-natured tone of its interviews make this CD-ROM w/booklet a wonderful tool to learn Spanish.” W.Martin, former political editor, The Oakland Tribune. — This CDRom will start you on the right tracks to be able to understand when someone speaks. You will learn the Spanish language the way the natives from Spain or Latin America deliver it in natural conversations. — After spending hours learning spanish, most find they are still unable to comprehend Spanish as it is naturally spoken between natives. SmartSpanish does what conventional language courses will not do. The program is designed to teach you pragmatic rules to learn “spoken” Spanish, not “textbook” Spanish. As a Beginner, just by following the easy and enjoyable program, you will b


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    Programming Language Pragmatics, Third Edition

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