Tag Archives: Synonyms

The American Heritage College Thesaurus, First Edition

This new addition to the American Heritage family offers an intelligent and sensible guide to synonym selection. Organized in an easy-to-use A-to-Z format, The American Heritage® College Thesaurus provides a wide range of synonyms, ranging from mainstream vocabulary to the colorful alternatives that make English such a rich and versatile language. Thousands of slang, informal, and regional words broaden the coverage even further, always clearly labeled to ensure that the writer chooses the right word for the right context.
Each synonym list focuses on a clear definition that quickly
orients the user to the relevant meaning. To increase the number of
synonyms available to the reader, words with related meanings show cross-references to one another. As additional support, hundreds of Core Synonym Paragraphs explain the different nuances in meaning of some of the most basic and important synonyms in English. Each paragraph includes a carefully written example sentence for eve


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    The American Heritage Children’s Dictionary

    Revised for the 21st century, The American Heritage(R) Children’s Dictionary for children in grades 3 through 6 contains 37,000 entries. New notes on spelling tips have been added to the useful special features on synonyms, word histories, prefixes, and suffixes. A thesaurus, a list of up-to-date geographic terms, and a Guide to Spelling and Phonics are also featured. The book has a new and innovative design with over 800 colorful photographs and illustrations.


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