Tag Archives: Style

The Oxford Dictionary of American Usage and Style

What’s the singular of paparazzi? Is graffiti singular or plural? What about kudos? Should I say empathic or empathetic? Is it a couple of dozen or a couple dozen? What’s the correct pronunciation of concierge? Or schism? Or flaccid?

In this book of crisp, precise, and often witty pronouncements on modern American English, Bryan Garner decisively answers these and thousands of other questions that bedevil those who care about the language. Garner draws on massive evidence to support his judgments, citing thousands of examples–good, bad, and ugly–from sources such as The New York Times , The Wall Street Journal, and Newsweek.

No one can browse through the book without sharing the authors spirited awareness of how words work and his relish for exposing the affectations that bloat our language. And even if you don’t have the time for browsing, but simply want a quick answer to an editorial riddle, this book is your best bet.


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