Tag Archives: stroller

Getting Back to Health for New Parents

Having an active lifestyle can be challenging for new parents. It’s rare having an 8 hour sleep, much less trying to stay in shape with good exercise.

But if your husband or yourself want to become physically fit again, there is nothing feels like a good work out. Specially when you were used to have some sports prior to when you had children, then you must get some urge to get back again at some point. If you want to take the little ones along with you, then the jogging stroller is definitely a product for you.

If you would like to read more, check out Double Stroller for Infant and Toddler or maybe Baby Trend Double Jogging Stroller to find the best double stroller.

Jogging Strollers are an excellent way for you and the kids to have some fun activity together. Having some outdoors time for the baby is always a good idea. Letting them ride in the stroller while you stroll around the neighborhoods to stay fit and healthy. You should not over stress your body, but jogging is definitely the most effective ways to get fit.

The jogging strollers are designed for moms or dads to walk, jog, or run with holding one of these strollers by hands. The strollers have 3 distinct characteristics that differentiate them from regular strollers. They are 1) an all-terrain suspension system 2) have three aerodynamicly design wheel ussualy one large wheel in the front and two smaller ones in the back 3) a nice sturdy handrail made to easily push the stroller while on the run.

Usually the stroller come with a canopy to keep direct sunlight from your child’s face while you’re jogging or block the rain should it start to drizzle.

What you want to do with it is an important factor to consider the type of jogging stroller you will need to purchase. If you are a person who just plans to do light run in the park then a simple light-weight models will suffice. But for more heavy duty applications like hiking, going through woods, or traveling uphill, you might need a more bulkier model.

It’s not advised that you use them before the baby is 6 months old. If you push yourself straight away, it takes a toll both on mother’s overall energy level and breasts milk production. Use the first month or so after having a newborn baby to lay around with your nightgown, and enjoy just staring at your little one. It’s really the only time you will get that chance. However, after half a year, both parents could resume some form of outdoors exercises if they enjoy it.

The most important thing to consider when buying a jogging stroller is to ensure your infant’s neck is supported while he/she riding in the stroller. You need to make sure the stroller come with a harness so your infant is safe when you jog. For use with younger infants, most popular models came with a car seat apparatus that fits into the buggy. This device has head and neck support with extra padding, and you should use it until your infant develops more neck support at around four months old.

A jogging strollers serves a specific niche and that they aren’t made for everyday activities. They can’t be quickly folded like umbrella strollers and they also have long front wheel area (which means it’s easy to bump into other people in crowding places). But overall, they are great for regular uses as well, since they are designed to light-weight, easy to manage and maneuver. Remember this you’re looking to purchase a stroller since it could make it worthwhile over a regular stroller.