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Critical Thoughts On How Technology May Help Some Of Us To Locate Headstones
It was quite heart warming to find out a few days ago about plans being established by the United States government to create a digital database, in order to locate, identify and register the grave sites of all those military individuals who had given their lives in combat, in service to their nation. Up until just recently it appeared there was a great deal of incompetence when it came to the management and upkeep of these grave sites and that at times the managers were plainly not able to locate the particular resting places of selected individuals. Worse still, it appeared that the headstones that ought to be in place were basically lost.
There can be nothing quite as tragic as this kind of scenario for grieving relatives, who merely want to get some aspect of closure and a beautiful location in order to visit to remember the dearly departed.
Finally, it seems that GPS technology and Smartphone applications are employed to categorise and conclusively pinpoint the location of headstones and burial sites, to ensure that members of the family may in the future have the ability to go online and use proprietary software, such as Google Maps, to be able to see a close-up view of the specific burial location.
While this is not a challenge that might affect everybody, it nonetheless goes to show exactly how important headstones as well as other site markers are to most of us. In our very own way we want to make sure that our family members will never be forgotten about and really should allocate a great deal of attention to the design and configuration of headstones. While the specific memorial cards that people give us at the funeral are moving and naturally extremely important, headstones are designed to be memorials that endure forever. We would like to be able to visit them every once in awhile, but additionally want to be in a position to invite our children and grandchildren to visit them too, to recollect their ancestors in the future when we are long gone.