Tag Archives: Slang

The Routledge Dictionary of Modern American Slang and Unconventional English (Kindle Edition)

The Routledge Dictionary of Modern American Slang and Unconventional English


“The charms of The Routledge Dictionary of Modern American Slang and Unconventional English bring to mind a younger brother with troubled friends who has memorized long stretches of dialogue from movies starring stoners or mobsters.” — The Nation, December 2008 Praise for The New Partridge Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English, edited by Tom Dalzell and Terry Victor: ‘This dictionary informs, but it also entertains.’ Booklist ‘This dictionary is huge fun.’ The Times Literary Supplement ‘…no term is excluded because it might be considered offensive as a racial, ethnic, religious, sexual, or any kind of slur…’ Against the Grain ‘…the editors have succeeded in … observing high standards of lexicography while producing an accessible work.’ Choice ‘…you can dip in just about anywhere and enjoy the exuberant, endless display of human inventiveness with language.’ BOOKFORUM ‘Modern American Slang is an unbeatable bargain, soundly academic, a (more…)

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Scrabble Crossword Game

Scrabble Crossword Game

Editorial Review

After all these years, it’s still hard to get a triple word score, the tiles are still made of wood, and there’s only one “X” in the whole box. The game of Scrabble has sparked feuds and a near-cult following. All the fuss is over a spelling game that hasn’t had an upgrade in 50 years. It takes a little luck and a lot of skill to make high-scoring words out of seven little letters, sometimes with an overabundance of vowels and letters that don’t go together–sometimes there’s Q without U. Two to four players battle it out on the board, and while some players might be proud of impressive words (“I spelled gestalt!”), skilled players know how to use the premium letter and word squares on the 225-square board to their best advantage. This crossword game has strict rules (no names, no slang) and comes with a warning label: “Choose a dictionary first to avoid any ugly word disputes.” –Lynne Sampson

The classic crossword game played by (more…)

New American Webster Handy College Dictionary, 4th Edition (Newly Revised) (Mass Market Paperback)

New American Webster Handy College Dictionary, 4th Edition (Newly Revised)

The essential dictionary for school, college, office and home, The fourth edition of The New American Webster Handy College Dictionary contains more features than any other pocket dictionary including: – Boxed inserts on etymologies and language usage – Pronunciation key on each page – Current phrases, slang, and scientific terms – Special notes on word origins – World gazetteer – Tables of weights and measurements
