Tag Archives: Slang

The Red-Hot Book of Spanish Slang: 5,000 Expressions to Spice Up Your Spainsh

Don’t sound like una momia–add a little sizzle to your Spanish! If someone called you tragaldabas would you be insulted or flattered? If you shouted ¡Mota! in the street, would you expected to get a cab or get arrested? Thanks to The Red-Hot Book of Spanish Slang and Idioms, you’ll always know your tejemaneje (scheme) from your merequetengue (mess) no matter where you find yourself in the Spanish-speaking world. Five thousand words and phrases–plus helpful hints as to what’s cordial and what’s vulgar–keep you in sync with Spanish slang. Spanish to English niños popis (upper-class kids) Spoiled brats Contigo ni a China me voy. (I’m not even going to China with you) You’re impossible La cruda (rawness) Hangover English to Spanish Ugly as sin ser un espantapájaro (to be a scarecrow) To be lucky tener leche (to have milk) Why are you staring at me? ¿Tengo monos en la cara? (Do I have monkeys on my
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The New Comprehensive American Rhyming Dictionary

An essential tool for writers, poets, punsters, lyricists, wits, and language lovers everywhere!

THE NEW COMPREHENSIVE AMERICAN RHYMING DICTIONARY is, by far, the sassiest, most fun, complete andup-to-date book of its kind on the market. This remarkablecompendium contains over 65,000 words, phrases, andcolloquialisms–a gold mine of rhyme certain to aid anddelight everyone who works with language, from the amateurpoet to the professional wordsmith.

  • Why rhyme “moon” with “June”…when you can use “Brigadoon”, “Daniel Boone”, or “picayune” instead?
  • A cornucopia of rhymes for exasperating, difficult-to-match words…such as “system”, “hemophilia”, and “Khrushchev”.
  • Easy-to-use and read, with entries arranged by sound rather than spelling.
  • Authoritative and up-to-the-minute…including the latest in slang, idioms and buzz words.
  • Whether you’re a composer searching for the perfect songlyric or a wit who revels in constructin


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      The American Heritage College Thesaurus, First Edition

      This new addition to the American Heritage family offers an intelligent and sensible guide to synonym selection. Organized in an easy-to-use A-to-Z format, The American Heritage® College Thesaurus provides a wide range of synonyms, ranging from mainstream vocabulary to the colorful alternatives that make English such a rich and versatile language. Thousands of slang, informal, and regional words broaden the coverage even further, always clearly labeled to ensure that the writer chooses the right word for the right context.
      Each synonym list focuses on a clear definition that quickly
      orients the user to the relevant meaning. To increase the number of
      synonyms available to the reader, words with related meanings show cross-references to one another. As additional support, hundreds of Core Synonym Paragraphs explain the different nuances in meaning of some of the most basic and important synonyms in English. Each paragraph includes a carefully written example sentence for eve


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