Tag Archives: Shortsightedness

God’s Politics: Why the Right Gets It Wrong and the Left Doesn’t Get It (Paperback)

God's Politics: Why the Right Gets It Wrong and the Left Doesn't Get It

Amazon.com Review

Secular liberals and religious conservatives will find things to both comfort and alarm them in Jim Wallis’s God’s Politics. That combination is actually reason enough to recommend the book in a time when the national political and theological discourse is dominated by blanket descriptions and shortsightedness. But Wallis, editor of Sojourners magazine, offers more than just a book that’s hard to categorize. What Wallis sees as the true mission of Christianity–righting social ills, working for peace–is in tune with the values of liberals who so often run screaming from the idea of religion. Meanwhile, in his estimation, religious vocabulary is co-opted by conservatives who use it to polarize. Wallis proposes a new sort of politics, the name of which serves as the title of the book, wherein these disparities are reconciled and progressive causes are paired with spiritual guidance for the betterment of society. Wallis is at his most compelling when he (more…)