Tag Archives: Self-Worth

Learning to Love Yourself: Finding Your Self-Worth

Learning to love yourself is a journey to self worth. According to the author, it is necessary for us to get rid of our toxic self-defeating messages, and choose positive changes. The author shows you new perspectives and guides you to a higher self-worth so that finally you can learn to love
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Learning to Love Yourself: Finding Your Self-Worth

We do not have to follow a family tradition of compulsion or addiction. In Learning to Love Yourself, we can choose our own self-worth. It is necessary for us to get rid of our toxic self-defeating messages, and choose positive changes. Learning to Love Yourself is a journey to self-worth — Sharon Wegscheider-Cruse shows you new perspectives and guides you to higher self-worth so that finally you can love yourself. Sharon Wegscheider-Cruse was president of ONSITE Training and Consulting, Inc., of Rapid City, South Dakota for many years. While there, she developed two residential programs, one is co-dependency treatment the other is a family reconstruction
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