Tag Archives: Secrets

Mindworks: An Introduction to Nlp: the Secrets of Your Mind Revealed (Paperback)

Mindworks: An Introduction to Nlp: the Secrets of Your Mind Revealed

Amazon.com Review

Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), a group of psychological techniques developed in the early 1970s, has been a huge influence on today’s motivational writers (particularly Tony Robbins). As its name suggests, NLP is based on the idea that the human mind is a sort of computer; our verbal and body language are the programming that allows us to change our thoughts and influence other people. Anneé Linden, director of an NLP training center in New York City, provides easy-to-understand descriptions of techniques such as mimicking someone’s movements to create an instant sense of rapport and intimacy, or creating a conditioned response in yourself to feel certain emotions on demand. Some might find these techniques uncomfortably manipulative, but Linden says people do them on an unconscious level anyway; NLP is just a new way of coming to terms with what you already know.
–This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of thi (more…)

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Get the Life You Want: The Secrets to Quick and Lasting Life Change with Neuro-Linguistic Programming (Hardcover)

Get the Life You Want: The Secrets to Quick and Lasting Life Change with Neuro-Linguistic Programming


‘Richard Bandler has made an extraordinary contribution to people’s lives across the planet.  His highly powerful personal change techniques have enabled millions around the world to feel better about themselves and improve their lives. He gets results that nobody else can.  Read Richard Bandler’s Guide to Personal Change: It will change your life.’– Paul McKenna, Ph.D., coauthor of I Can Make You Thin and host of TLC’s I Can Make You Thin

When people and therapists alike have a problem they can’t fix, they call Richard Bandler because he delivers–often with miraculous results. Hailed as one of the greatest geniuses in the field of personal change, and the father of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Richard Bandler has helped tens of thousands of people around the globe rid themselves of ‘incurable’ phobias, fears, anxieties, addictions, negative habits, and past traumas often in a single session. Get the Life You Want is Richard Bandler at (more…)

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Secrets to Winning at Office Politics: How to Achieve Your Goals and Increase Your Influence at Work (Paperback)

Secrets to Winning at Office Politics: How to Achieve Your Goals and Increase Your Influence at Work


“A terrific new book about office politics . . . it’s a must-read!” — Fortune Magazine,online careers column, August 2005″Fresh, thoughtful, and provocative . . .McIntyre has written one of the best guidebooks to date on this subject for career-oriented professionals.” — The Albuquerque Tribune, October 2005″Practical advice and self-assessment questions and surveys make the book a gem. . . . It’s a keeper!” — Gwinnett Business Journal (Atlanta, GA), September, 2005″Thorough and thoughtful, [the author] is no Pollyanna and has a realistic understanding of how things really work and why.” — The Miami Herald, August 6, 2005″[Helps people] focus on actions that will move them towards their goals and gain leverage within the organization.” — Atlanta Business Chronicle, January, 2006Teaches readers how to size up the political climate . . . and deal with quirky bosses and co-workers who are downright difficult. — New York Post (online), November 2005


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