Tag Archives: Secret

The Secret Law of Attraction as Explained By Napoleon Hill

IT ALL STARTED WITH CARNEGIE AND HILL Few things in recent history have had the impact of The Secret. Created by Rhonda Byrnes, the video program and book have taken the ideas of the New Thought Movement that flourished in America at the turn of the twentieth century and made them as intriguing as The Da Vinci Code and as up-to-date as this morning-s headlines. This book, The Secret Law of Attraction as explained by Napoleon Hill, focuses its attention on two of the most famous names mentioned as keepers of the secret–Andrew Carnegie and Napoleon Hill–and on how Carnegie conveyed his understanding of this Secret Law of Attraction to Hill–who, in turn, transformed those concepts into the best-selling success book in the history of publishing: Think and Grow Rich. THE COMPLETE SECRET IN ONE BOOK For the first time, Napoleon Hill-s books have been carefully analyzed to identify those passages dealing with the Law of Attraction as well as the lesser-known of Carnegie-s laws that gove


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The Secret Laws of Attraction: The Effortless Way to Get the Relationship You Want

Use these laws of attraction to effortlessly attain your heart’s desire.

“If you don’t need it, you are more likely to attract it.” If our emotional needs are unmet, we repel what we most desire. When we’ve fulfilled our needs–such as the need to be cherished, the need to be heard, and the need for harmony–we are naturally attractive to potential love interests.

“Like attracts like.” When we are fully living our core values, we effortlessly attract others with similar values.

It sounds simple. The trick is learning how to apply these laws in your everyday life–and international bestselling author and noted life coach Talane Miedaner shows you how. This easy-to-follow guide provides a comprehensive quiz to help you identify your top four emotional needs and includes step-by-step instructions on how to meet those needs. Once you start embracing your passion and living your dreams, you instantly become mor


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