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Tips To Consider For SEO Article Writing

Undoubtedly, if what you want is greater visibility online, then SEO article writing is what you need the most as most SEO services suggest. This is the kind of writing that makes articles more visible and relevant in the eyes of search engines. Your articles therefore get found by more interested readers. Here are a couple of top tips for SEO writing.

#1- Utilize keywords in the right way.

You need to integrate keywords in some areas of your written material. These words or phrases are what search engines pick up to judge what you’ve written about. Some writers however, easily get tempted to stuff their articles chock full of keywords. These days, this could easily earn you a bad label from search engine robots. Also, if you’re submitting to directories for articles, many of the more reputable ones will reject your work because of the inappropriate use of key phrases.

#2- Don’t put keywords over and above content sense and quality.

You shouldn’t treat SEO content writing as a different brand of writing. Anything that you create for an audience should basically be of high quality. Hence, even if you do have optimization as a top concern, your articles should still be highly useful, relevant and fresh. This objective is sometimes sacrificed because some writers feel the need to incorporate even those keywords that are a bit awkward in structure and sense. If you insist on following the same path, you will risk losing your readership.

#3- Make branding another one of your objectives.

It cannot be said enough that the concept of keyword use can be very consuming. It is important to always remember though that any content that carries your name, company or brand will have an impact on your identity and reputation. Low quality SEO writing will therefore serve no other purpose than destroy the reputation you’ve worked so hard to establish. Keep your reputation clean by concentrating on good writing.

#4- Use articles as only one part of a strategy.

Obviously, providing text content is a very important part of any online venture. This does not suggest though that it is the only effective way to promote something. More and more people are starting to use videos and audio tools for marketing purposes. You should therefore not concentrate too much on pure written content creation. What you should focus on is integrating different strategies.

#5- Choose the right best keywords to use.

Keywords aren’t all made the same. Never choose a key phrase just because everyone else in your niche or market is using it. In fact, the more people use it, the more competitive it is and the more difficult it will be for you to rank on top of search results pages. Choose key phrases to write about that are searched for by a lot of people but don’t have a lot of articles and web pages competing for them.

SEO content writing is not an exact science. Neither is it a very complicated one. The bottom line is that you can optimize articles for keywords so search engines judge your materials to be relevant but you should never optimize too much. In the final analysis, what matters most to both search engines and users is that you provide good information online.

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    Improve Your Future With On Line Degrees!

    One thing that’s been slowly happening since Barack Obama became president is a steady overhauling of college financial aid. The most recent is the introduction of the American Opportunity Tax Credit. At the same time, educational tax credits are not new. They’ve been around for nearly a decade. That doesn’t mean Obama hasn’t worked them over. Those earning college degrees online and at a traditional college would do well to understand all these provisions.

    Actually, there already was something in place. It’s called the Lifetime Learning Credit, and it came into being back in 2001, when the original Hope credit was introduced. This credit may not offer as much bang for the dollar, but it does cover a wider field of candidates.

    The Lifetime Learning Credit is for students who are in their third year of college, taking post-graduate courses or even going part time with as little as one class. Another key difference is a household can have multiple Learning Credits due to having more than one child in college.

    As for the brass tacks of this credit, it gives a student (or the parents of) a 20% tax credit up to the first $10,000, i.e., up to $2,000, for educational expenses including tuition, text books, fees and other education-related items. The expense-related costs are much broader than with the Opportunity credit, and can even include travel if it’s for such things as field research.

    One important point is there’s what the IRS calls a “phase out” point. The Lifetime credit can only be applied by a single individual who earn less than $60,000 adjusted gross income or a pair filing a joint return who earn under $120,000. Remember this is the IRS, not the Board of Education, and the credit is obtained when filing one’s income taxes, not when you fill out a FASFA form for a Pell Grant.

    Other provisos include an individual can’t get both an Opportunity and a Lifetime credit; just one or the other. Yet, as said before, if a parent has more than one dependent in school, the parent can get credits for all of them if they meet the other criteria.

    What must absolutely be understood is the Lifetime is a credit, not a tax deduction. You apply the Lifetime after totaling your taxes, not subtract it from the expenses. The IRS doesn’t allow this kind of double dipping, and could reject the entire thing. There are a number of other peccadilloes the IRS has and some of them can be pretty detailed (such as advancing your education only to get a better job at another company). So one should have the entire tax form reviewed by an accountant before applying for it.

    On the plus side though, one could end up with $2,000 off the next taxes, even get money back, if done correctly. No matter how you look at it, that’s one quick way to make your education pay for you. These monies may facilitate further classes to get your degree on line for many students. While many are aware of monies available prior to starting school, such as financial aid, learning about money that can be refunded or credited is a smart way to handle your schooling. There is much more information about money for college on the internet.

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      Use Real Life Experiences in Your Writing

      Growing up I can remember many English teachers telling us to write using a memory or experience we went through. If you’ve ever attended a writing class you’ve probably heard the phrase, “write what you know,” more than once from an English professer. Hearing that advice, I immediately processed my life, and realized it was not exciting enough to write about. Many years past before I realized that I could use different experiences in my life. . Certain moments could be drawn back on to write about a similar experience perhap with a character. Using real life experience should only be done if it applies to the story. If there is a certain memory or feeling that you can convey in your story, and it fits, that’s when you should use your memories and feelings.

      Many authors have done just this. Remember Stephen King, when he got into a car accident, he used that experience and wrote Misery.

      Anne Rice is another example. In one of her books a vampire becomes human again and the detail of him eating food for the very first time is amazing. Where do you think these authors got such detail and feeling? They tapped into their own memories and wrote about it.

      Using life events makes your story or novel more realistic to the reader. Think about strong moments or memories you may have, think about how you felt. How would your character feel if something similar happened to them? Think aboutt how you felt, what you were thinking etc. If you do use real life experiences in your novel, make sure the story benefits from it. If you can’t fit it in to your plot smoothly, don’t.

      By using real life experiences in your writing you’ll not only connect with your readers, you’ll also make your characters more realistic.

      To find out more check out real life experience. Or check out creative writing tips.

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