Tag Archives: Resume

Competency-Based Resumes: How To Bring Your Resume To The Top Of The Pile (Paperback)

Competency-Based Resumes: How To Bring Your Resume To The Top Of The Pile

Do you want the key to the best jobs with the best employers? It’s time to play offense instead of defense. Competency-Based Resumes shows today’s job candidates a new, more targeted way to write resumes to get them back on the same playing field with the best employers and improve their odds of winning the job they want. The system an employer uses when filling jobs has changed significantly in the past few years, and it is still evolving. Rather than simply looking at an applicant’s past jobs, companies are instead looking at candidate’s experiences in certain key areas-including measurable work habits and the personal skills, known as competencies, used to achieve objectives at work. Competency-Based Resumes offers you a new and effective way to create resumes that emphasizes the knowledge, skills, and abilities that you have and employers need. Many sophisticated U.S. and international organizations are using competency-based systems to recruit, interview, selec (more…)

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101 Best Resumes: Endorsed by the Professional Association of Resume Writers (Paperback)

101 Best Resumes: Endorsed by the Professional Association of Resume Writers

Top resume writers share their secrets to help you land the job you want! Members of the Professional Association of Resume Writers have pooled their expertise to create 101 of the very best resumes available anywhere. Find out how you can create cover letters and resumes that get jobs, target your resume for specific positions, use different formats to get noticed, and much more. Throughout the book are more than 175 street-smart tips on everything from interviewing, to salary negotiating, networking, and working with executive recruiters. Get the best of the best resumes to help you compete in today’s tough job market.

From the Back Cover

Top resume writers share their secrets to help you land the job you want! Your resume plays a critical role in the success or failure of a job search. It is, most often, the primary method for gaining an interview­­and the competition is fierce. 101 Best Resumes gives you the edge. The top resume writers in t (more…)

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The Elements of Resume Style: Essential Rules and Eye-Opening Advice for Writing Resumes and Cover Letters that Work (Paperback)

The Elements of Resume Style: Essential Rules and Eye-Opening Advice for Writing Resumes and Cover Letters that Work


“I highly recommend Scott Bennett’s book for anyone wishing to create the winning resume.” — Gary M. Kusin, President, CEO, and Director, Kinko’s Inc.”Reading this compact volume is like getting inside the mind of a hiring manager.” — Pat Precin, Managing Director, Pathways to Housing “It could mean the difference between the active candidate file and the circular one on the floor.” -Richard Pachter, Knight Ridder newspapers <!–
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