Tag Archives: Professional Person

Job Interview Advice Every Job Seeker Should Know

Do you think it is easy to get a job these days? When you are in contention with dozens or even hundreds of other job applicants, then you should put into good use every job interview advice that you can get. And good for you because I have listed in this article some of the top tips you should try.

You should always think of yourself as a salesman whenever you go to an interview. And what is the product you are selling? Nothing else but yourself. You should think of how you can properly present yourself to your potential employer so that he would ‘buy’ you, or hire you, based on your qualifications.

Provide details in your every answer.

If the job interviewer asks you what were your responsibilities in your previous job, do not provide a vague answer. For example, if you are a graphic artist do not simply say that you designed book covers. Give details such as you ‘designed progressive-style book covers’ or that you ‘collaborated with authors to bring their ideas into life’.

Do not say again what you have already stated in your resume.

When you are asked to say something about yourself, do not state the obvious facts such as your name, where you live, where you last worked, what year you were born, and so on and so forth. The interviewer even from an employment agency Toowoomba can easily get those details from your CV. What he wants from you is to find out about your interests and how you can relate those to the job should you be hired. So be extra mindful with your job interview answers.

Be professional. Do not be late for the interview.

If you want to appear as a very professional person then you should always aim to arrive on time for the job interview. It would even be better if you can arrive 15 minutes earlier. This way the interviewer will have enough time prepare for the interview and you will not feel rushed since you have just arrived from the commute. This will also give you enough time to prepare yourself for the questions that might be asked of you.

Do not speak ill of your former boss.

It is a common question for an interviewee to be asked his reason for leaving his previous job. While honesty is usually a good thing, but not on this one. You should provide a safe answer even if the real answer is that your boss did not treat you well. Because if you say mean words about your former boss, the interviewer might think that you would do the same to them in the future.

Wear a professional attire for the interview.

Do not arrive to the interview just wearing very casual clothes, even if you were previously told that the culture of that company is a very relaxed one. It is always a good idea for you to wear professional attire. It is more dignified to look at and you will be taken more seriously just because of how you look.

So there you go. These are just some of the top job interview advice that can surely help you land that job you are after. Just learn to relax so that you will always be thinking clearly when you need to answer the questions being asked by a recruitment Toowoomba company.

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    Creating the optimal resume for the optimal job

    During economic downtimes, there are two categories of unemployed workers. The first group consists of people, who have been laid off regularly and so have experience creating a resume. The second group has held the same position for many years and has no idea where to even start to put the resume together. Both groups, can get excellent help from a professional resume writing service. Professional resume writers can ensure that your resume reflects your professionality and, most important of all, has no errors.

    In previous decades, the resume was created to look good when printed out. The best plan was to give it an attractive appearance that stands out and have a professional print shop print it on a tasteful cream-colored paper. These days, the electronic version, has taken precedence because it is presented to recruiters and employers in electronic format. There is a difference of opinion about which is the preferred file format for the electronic resume. Some say that the .pdf format (Adobe Acrobat) presents you as a more professional person. Others say that the Microsoft Word format is better. I can see both sides of the argument, but I lean more toward recommending Word format. In most instances the resume is electronically parsed to put the information into database fields. This is an argument in favor of an uncomplicated format. A complex layout is often scrambled by this process. More than once I have had my resume turn my position as a writer for Butler Service Group into a position as a Butler for Service Group.

    As you write the resume, the guiding principle is that you should present your assets in a way that lets the potential employer know how hiring you can be to the benefit of the company. Yes, they are interested in where you worked. But even more, they want to read about the traits that will make you a valuable employee for their company. Of course, whenever you add an objective, you need to create a new copy of the resume for each objective.

    This leads directly to the next point, electronic resumes have a great advantage over printed ones because they can be changed at any time. The resume folder on your computer should have a number of custom resumes that you have used in different situations. It is more than just the objective that changes based on the current opportunity. You may need to also change the focus of your description of each of your previous jobs.

    The traditional resume in the past consisted of just the objective and the history of employment, education and organizations, these days additional information is expected. Below the objective you should add sections that spell out your experience and qualifications. These sections allow you to highlight things you have done, skills you have acquired, and ways you have improved the company.

    When you get together the best resume you are capable of, the last step is to read it, read it again, and have someone else read it. The worst thing you can do is to send out a resume with a spelling or grammar error.

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