Tag Archives: Paperback

Get Out of Your Own Way: Overcoming Self-Defeating Behavior [Paperback]

Get Out of Your Own Way: Overcoming Self-Defeating Behavior


Powerful practical insights that can help many to live more rewarding lives. — Harold Bloomfield, How to Survive the Loss of a LoveProvides clear insight, compassionate understanding and practical solutions. — Jack Canfield, Coauthor of Chicken Soup for the Soul

Procrastination…Envy…Anger…Self-pity…Compulsion….In any of its many forms, self-defeating behavior is the single most common reason that people seek psychotherapy. It is a poison that prevents people from achieving the love, success, and happiness they desire. Get Out of Your Own Way is an antidote, explaining the reasons for self-sabotage by going back to the childhood origins of various behaviors. With anecdotes and usable insights drawn from twenty years of psychiatric clinical practice, Dr. Mark Goulston shares ideas that have helped thousands of patients overcome pain, fear, and confusion-to approach life’s challenges with dignity, wisdom, courage, and even hum (more…)

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The Oxford Book of Modern Science Writing (Paperback)

The Oxford Book of Modern Science Writing


“A glorius celebration of literary scientists.” –Harry Richie Mail on Sunday 30/03/2008″A sparkling anthology.” –David Sinclair, Tribune 18/04/08″Beautiful volume…A labour of love.” –Steven Poole, The Guardian 26/04/2008″For the science-savvy. it’s like a gigantic prize-giving-cum-back-slap. For the science-phobic, it’s a banner-waving call to come on in and give it a try.” –Jonathan Gibbs, Metro London 19.03.08″It is a real treasure trove of unexpected pleasures.” –Sunday Telegraph. Kenan Malik 13/04/2008″The Oxford Book of Modern Science Writing edited by Richard Dawkins, come up trumps… It is to be hoped that many will not only read this excellent volume but will then go on to read in their entirety some of the individual works themeselves. That is the ultimate success of any anthology.” –Mary Strickland. Chemistry World May 2008″The book makes for a fascinating browse, but it could also inspire as a bed-time volume, filling (more…)

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French English Bilingual Visual Dictionary (DK Visual Dictionaries) (Paperback)

French English Bilingual Visual Dictionary (DK Visual Dictionaries)

Organized by such common subjects as Home, Work, Eating Out, Transportation, Health and Sports, these bilingual visual dictionaries give students and business people quick access to foreign terms in the simplest and most intuitive way.


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