Tag Archives: Paperback

Webster’s French-English Dictionary (French Edition) (Paperback)

Webster's French-English Dictionary (French Edition)

This bidirectional dictionary from the editors of Merriam-Webster contains definitions and translations for the core vocabulary and idioms of French and English as they are spoken and written today. This paperback comes packed with information for students, tourists, and business travelers alike.

About the Author

Merriam-Webster, Incorporated is America’s oldest and most respected publisher of dictionaries and other language reference products. Our staff of full-time lexicographers is the largest in America and our database of more than 16.5 million examples of words used in context is the most extensive in the world. With more than 170 years of accumulated knowledge and expertise this distinguished company represents a tradition that dates back to Noah Webster.


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German-English Dictionary, Second Edition (Mass Market Paperback)

German-English Dictionary, Second Edition

Fully updated and featuring more than 55,000 entries, this is the classicGerman-English English-German Dictionaryfrom Langenscheidt, the premier source for foreign language reference tools.Students, teachers, travelers, and professionals can confidently rely on this invaluable 2-in-1 volume that includes:- Hundreds of new words reflecting today’s cultural, political, and technological changes, plus contemporary idioms and expressions- Full pronunciation keys for both German and English entries- Comprehensive grammatical information- The genitives and plurals of German nouns- Indicators as to whether a German verb is conjugated withhaben or sein- An alphabetical list of German and English irregular verbs- A wealth of examples illustrating correct usage and meaning- A quick reference section on proper names, weights and measures, and abbreviations- Easy-to-read typography, plus a helpful guide to using the dictionary most effectively The foreign language dictionary for p (more…)

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Bob’s Bible: Words, Anagrams and Hooks (Paperback)

Bob's Bible: Words, Anagrams and Hooks

Bob’s Bible is the comprehensive distillation of the word knowledge you need to become a superior Scrabble player. It’s perfect for browsing, reference or all-out study! It’s a must-have for any ardent player of the game of Scrabble, be they beginner or World Champion. In fact, 2001 World and 1998 North American (NA) Scrabble Champion Brian Cappelletto, 3-time NA Champion Joe Edley, 1994 NA Champion David Gibson and 1990 NA Champion Robert Felt have all obtained their copies! You’ve read about them in Stefan Fatsis’ Word Freak — now you can have a champion’s word knowledge conveniently summarized in one convenient book. What’s Inside: All of the National Scrabble Association-acceptable two- to eight-letter words are alphabetically listed and each word is annotated with all of its hooks (one letter extensions) and anagrams (words using exactly the same letters). When you look up HARKENED you’ll find that DAKERHEN is the obscure anagram. You’ll discover (more…)

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