Tag Archives: Page Layout

Oxford American Large Print Dictionary

Now in an affordable, convenient paperback edition, The Oxford American Large Print Dictionary offers visually impaired readers a vibrant language reference of the highest quality. In addition to solid coverage of the core English vocabulary, including new words and senses, with definitions that are concise and easy-to-understand, The Oxford American Large Print Dictionary also includes thousands of difficult and literary words that are most often looked up. It also includes short, accessible notes on difficult spellings, confusable words, and tricky areas of usage. The book’s clear page layout, designed in association with Lighthouse International, offers enlarged fonts, larger margins, generous line spacing, and good quality paper, ensuring that there is a minimum of glare and show-through. And as with all Oxford American dictionaries, the book employs an easy-to-use system to show how entries are pronounced. It uses simple, familiar markings to represent common A


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single phase ups – Marketers to Frontpage and Dreamweaver

Leading Web site design packages have a serious contender called XSitePro, a new software package geared toward the rapidly expanding world of Internet marketing.

XSitePro is a new web site design package that creates entire web sites, not just individual pages, with ease.

Unlike leading web design programs, XSitePro approaches the whole process of site design from an online marketer s perspective, incorporating easy to use features that differentiate XSitePro from other site design software.

We are confident that XSitePro offers the alternative to Microsofts FrontPage and Macromedia s Dreamweaver that Internet marketers and other web designers are looking for, says Paul Smithson, president and CEO, of Intellimon Ltd. Our customers can create professional Web sites in a fraction of the time it would take them using other web design software.

XSitePro users don t need to know how to write code to create a professional quality web site. Anyone who has word processing skills can create web pages using the built in  What you see is what you get page editor.

Users will also find that XSitePro is a great program for keeping their web sites updated after they have been created. Using the page layout feature it is possible to change the whole style of a site in minutes rather than days. You no longer have to settle with existing designs, or be intimidated by the workload of redesigning your sites.

It is refreshing to see the product designed from the ground up for marketers, says Ed Keay Smith of AdWords Marketing. I love the built in automation of affiliate and Google AdWords links…I have now chosen to use XSite Pro over FrontPage as my major money making website builder.

Here are just a few of the great features that this software offers:

Add Google AdSense ads with just two clicks of the mouse, adding extra income streams with little effort.

Hide unattractive page urls by creating redirect pages that automatically forward visitors to alternative locations.

Include navigation menus that automatically update themselves whenever new pages are added.

Use the 130,000 word builtin spellchecker to guarantee spelling mistakes do not occur on any pages.

Split long documents into multiple pages that include complete page navigation menus.

Keep track of all of the essential information regarding web hosting, which means users will never forget any important information such as usernames, passwords, mail server details, etc.

Export sites into other Web design programs, such as FrontPage or Dreamweaver.

XSitePro also assists users with optimizing their Web sites for the search engines. Users can designate keywords that are automatically added to the Meta tags of every new Web site or Web page created. They can also measure if they have used keywords the correct number of times on each page and quickly make corrections so that they maximize the chance of ranking well in search engines.

You dont need to worry about backing up your data either as the software can backup all your web site work to a single phase ups file in just one mouse click.

In my opinion XSitePro is definitely one of the most exciting software packages to have been released in recent years.

What Is the World Made Of? All About Solids, Liquids, and Gases (Let’s-Read-and-Find-Out Science, Stage 2) (Paperback)

What Is the World Made Of? All About Solids, Liquids, and Gases (Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science, Stage 2)

From School Library Journal

Grade 1-3-A fact-filled, accessible study of solids, liquids, and gases. The book gives examples of each state of matter and some simple activities that demonstrate the attributes of each. The last page presents three related science experiments. The author’s use of sentence fragments, such as “Water flowing in the creek,” is bothersome, but the humorous illustrations add to the text and provide a good mix of children of both genders and various races enjoying science. The page layout makes this title suitable for use with groups; the easy-to-read text makes it a good choice for independent reading and research. Teachers will delight in the clear definitions and examples used to introduce concepts that are often offered on a much higher level.Marty Abbott Goodman, L. J. Bell Elementary School, Rockingham, NCCopyright 1999 Reed Business Information, Inc.

From Booklist

Once again the Let’s-Read-and-Find-Out-about Science s (more…)