Tag Archives: online degree

English Composition 1101 Can Be The Beginning Of A Better Future!

You’ve finally taken the first big step and applied to an online college. You’re excited about going, but a little nervous too. You might be worried about keeping up, or working in a completely online environment for the first time. You’re probably concerned about what class to take first. Here’s a tip that might surprise you. Think about taking English composition as one of your first online college classes.

You’re probably thinking “Why English? It seems a little basic”. The fact of the matter is that while English composition (ENC 1101) may be considered a basic, there’s a reason for that. A good English composition class can be a great foundation to beginning your online college career. If you can excel in this class at a school online, there’s a good chance you can succeed in the rest of your classes, too.

Since schools online focus primarily on a written format with discussion boards and chat rooms and written tests, being able to communicate effectively with the written word is very important. Most, if not all, of your online college classes will require papers in addition to the other work that is accomplished online. By focusing on the basics, like grammar, punctuation, syntax rules, and composition and organizational structure, you can be light years ahead of others by getting those skills down pat before you move on to other more difficult classes in your online degree program.

Perhaps you weren’t aware that many of the great pieces of literature are connected on a number of levels to other great works of art. Many of these works have deep cultural meaning and significance, like Romeo and Juliet, which is read as a written work and also performed as a play and a ballet. By constantly reading and writing in your English composition class, you will begin to acquire a broad cultural awareness that you can take with you anywhere in the world.

Being organized may be the most critical “outside” element you will need to have in order to succeed at an online schools program. In your English composition class, you will learn to organize all of your essays and other compositions following the outline the professor wants you to use. If you don’t follow the proper sequence, you won’t make as good a grade. The ability to create work that is concise and easy to read means you can bring those skills over into your other online college classes, and it may even help you to become more organized in other aspects of your online degree program.

A definite skill you will learn in your composition class is critical analysis. Without the ability to critically analyze a written work, it is very difficult to understand the message that is trying to be conveyed. This ability will carry over to most of your other online college classes, and will help you to become successful in other areas of your online degree program.

The business world can be a tough and demanding environment. However, if you put to good use the skill set you learned on your English composition class, your online degree program will have been a very valuable asset in helping you to succeed in business. Being able to communicate on a professional level may be one of the most important abilities in business. Businesses can fail on the basis of bad communication, but if you know how to read, write, and analyze critically, you will be head and shoulders above the crowd.

Getting off to a good start in your online classes program may boil down to just one decision: to take ENC 1101 at the beginning of your online college career. The skills from English composition are so important that you will use them in virtually every online college class you take. When you graduate, knowing that you have the confidence in your writing and analyzing skills will take you far in your professional career. If you are interested in more information about English composition online, check the internet.

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Get Your Distance Degree And Stay Employed In A Bad Economy!

Adults and young adults are reportedly setting out for career training at a time when unemployment rates are high, the economy is sluggish and record numbers of students are completing high school. What many are finding is that the flexibility of distance college is allowing them to get their college degrees online as they continue their life obligations.

Community colleges that offer associate degrees are experiencing growth and soaring enrollments online and on campus. Several are targeting programs to local business needs and worldwide 21st century demands, according to reports.

Some 3.1 million young adults ages 18 to 24 were enrolled in community college in October 2007, a number that by 2008 climbed to 3.4 million, the Pew Research Center reported. In Rhode Island, the state’s community college is experiencing what it calls its second highest enrollment in its history, the Providence Journal reported. In Michigan, community college enrollment accounts for 44 percent of all U.S. college enrollments, according to a WWJ Radio Great Lakes IT Report.

The number of young adults ages 18 to 24 enrolled in community college climbed from 3.1 million in October 2007 to 3.4 million in 2008, according to the Pew Research Center. In states such as Rhode Island and Michigan, community college enrollment is reportedly reaching record rates at colleges and comprising nearly half of all enrollments throughout the country, reports from the Providence Journal and the Great Lakes IT Report suggest.

Students also are turning to online community college offerings in substantial numbers, a Sloan Consortium report noted. Their enrollments over a five-year period accounted for more than half of all online college course enrollments, with nearly 2 million students in fall 2006 taking at least one online associate degree program class, according to the report published in 2007.

A Bureau of Labor Statistics report forecasts that occupations requiring some advanced education are to experience higher growth rates into 2018 than those that call for on-the-job training and that positions requiring associate degrees category are to see higher growth rates. The report listed medical and physical therapy assistants, home health and personal and home care aides, physical therapy aides, dental hygienists, veterinary technicians and dental among the fastest growth positions that require an associate degree or less, with median annual earnings that in 2008 ranged from $19,180 to $46,140. This is not surprising as baby boomers, a large percentage of the population, age.

Rhode Island’s community college is working to help prepare students for current and future job demands locally and statewide, the Providence Journal noted. In Kentucky, a business publication known as the Lane Report in May told of a growing college program that breaks down barriers to higher education by bringing classes to students, in some instances at their place of work. The program, which is considered accelerated, allows students to earn an associate degree in as few as 20 months, the Lane Report noted.

Facilitating the convenience of earning your online diploma is the flexibility of the programs. They simply fit into the hectic lifestyles most are living today. Continuing on, careerists are finding they can participate in your bachelor of science, even at the height of their busiest work days. For more information about on line degrees, check the internet.

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Medical College Can Be The Beginning Of A New Career In Medical Transcription!

The evolution of the information age is turning out to be an incredible boon for a single parent. Thanks to recent technology, a working mom can hold down her job, attend college online, and still be at home for her kids. One such way she can do this is by becoming a medical transcriptionist.

As it happens, the medical field is well aware of what the introduction of high speed broadband and laptops can mean for them. They no longer have to have all their personnel report to their clinics or hospitals, fielding a lot of the work to free agents who actually appreciate staying in their houses. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, nearly 40% of all medical transcription is now fielded out in such a way.

Medical transcriptionists listen to dictated recordings from doctors and other healthcare professionals and transcribe them into medical reports, correspondence and other administrative material. They generally listen to recordings on a headset and key the text, editing as necessary. The documents they produce include medical history and all manner of reports, studies and letters. Usually all the physicians should have to do after that is sign or correct.

This does not make them secretaries. Medical transcriptionists must have a comprehensive understanding of medical terminology, which is highly specialized. This includes knowing their way around medical reference sources, which can now be stored on their systems or over the Internet. Also, they must format in specific styles that fits with local legal requirements and keeps patient information confidential. After all, no one wants their health records easily accessed by strangers.

What has particularly affected the field, and thus made the job great for working mothers, is the advent of the Internet. The transcriptionist can now receive her dictation via e-mail or a specially sent up website, and then return it the same way. The system has become so simple it can be done on a PDA with the right apps. Speech recognition software is also growing.

Recruiters look to hire transcriptionists who have taken training in medical transcription. These courses are available at many on campus and online colleges. The course load should include legal issues relating to healthcare documentation, English grammar and punctuation and some sort of familiarity with the latest software. For working mothers, online colleges can be particularly handy because they take the courses from home and also can get familiar with the process of working remotely.

Transcriptionists are usually paid hourly or by the job. Their pay rate averages $15.00 an hour, which is usually determined by who they work for and their level of experience. Top level transcriptionists can make as much as $21.00 an hour. Apparently there’s so much work out there, they can keep themselves as busy as they want to.

The Bureau also notes it’s a growing field. Currently over 100,000 transcriptionists are in the U.S., and 10,000 more will be needed before the decade is over. In all though, it’s something a working mother can do, as is attending your online degree education.  The transcriptionist may even find she would like to continue on to your college for medical and all the employment opportunities that offers. For more information about accredited distance learning degree, check the internet.

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