Tag Archives: online degree

Online Classes – Get A Degree From Anywhere!

Increasingly, students are turning to the Internet as one of the most convenient places they can earn their college degree. Traditional campus schools simply don’t offer the benefits and flexibility that online colleges do. Attending an online college is one of the best decisions a student can make to tailor their college experience to their needs.

Driving is one of the most infuriating chores any person can undergo daily. Attending classes at a traditional college means that a daily commute is an unfortunate necessity. Schools online, however, can be accessed anywhere there is an Internet connection, which means the drive to school can be as easy as crossing the living room to turn on the computer. This is only one of the minor bonuses of attending an online college.

Another drawback of old-fashioned college is the attendance requirements of classes. All classes are set within a rigid time frame and most professors require that students have very few – if any – absences. Arranging a normal schedule around such stringent scholastic obligations can be frustrating for any student. Online colleges make it easy for students to attend classes on their time frame instead of conforming to a preset schedule that may be inconvenient.

Simple tasks, like a daily drive or attending classes regularly, may seem easy to complete. However, many students find that as their focus on school increases, their ability to concentrate on regular responsibilities becomes diminished. Routine chores and even paying the bills can become difficult to achieve while attending a traditional college. Online schools help students find a happy medium between learning and daily living.

One of the many regular responsibilities that students often have to forego while attending school is working. Learning becomes a priority instead and so students flounder trying to pay the bills or gain work experience while earning their degrees. Attending an online college means that students can easily juggle working part or full-time while earning their degree.

Many students try to arrange their schedules so that they can attend classes during optimal learning times. For example, some students have a hard time trying to concentrate during early morning classes. Traditional schools are usually unable to compromise with students concerning class times simply because there are too many students and not enough professors. However, online colleges are set up so that students can learn at the times that are best for them instead of having to take classes at times that are inconvenient or poorly scheduled.

Finally, the cost of attending an online college is typically extremely inexpensive compared to a traditional college education. Students will be saving on gas costs, but they will also pay less for their classes as well. Often, online colleges will also use electronic books, which can be rented or printed individually at the fraction of the cost – sometimes up to 30% savings!

The degrees earned through online college programs are the same as those issued through regular campus schools. These institutions offer a number of easy solutions to problems that students attending traditional colleges face. Savings money and working your school schedule to conform to your everyday life are only two of those bonuses. You’ll find that online colleges and universities are one of the most flexible and convenient ways for any student to earn their degree.

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    Student Participation In Online University Degree Programs Can Influence The Result Of Studies

    Taking online college classes might not be for everyone, but more and more students are signing on for this means of bringing education into the home. The advantages include being able to study between work and family responsibilities and saving money and time on commuting. Some online college, university and technical school offerings might even be “accelerated,” so that students can earn a certificate or a degree more quickly than they otherwise would.

    Many students have viewed online learning as a godsend by many students, according to a July 2010 report in Inside Higher Education. Adult learners, the article noted, especially find them appealing. These learners particularly might have responsibilities that would otherwise prevent them from boosting their credentials, the Inside Higher Education article suggested.

    The quality of online college offerings has substantially improved over the past few years, the US Journal of Academics reports. Students also tend to do well in an online college setting, according to at least one study. The U.S. Department of Education in 2009 reported that students who took all or part of their program courses online performed better than those in classroom settings. Those who performed best combined online learning with on campus studies as part of what’s known as a blended setting, the study noted. Some schools, however, might struggle because of online classes and online degree programs, an Inside Higher Education report suggests.

    Students these days have an array of online degree programs from which to choose, and enrollment has been growing substantially. Online enrollment over the past six years has actually grown faster than that of higher education overall, according to a Sloan Consortium study. The study, with results released in 2009, reported that more than 4.6 million students during the fall 2008 semester were taking at least one online college, university or technical school class.

    The advantages of online school participation include the ability to receive individualized attention, an article on the web site for a Maryland college noted. Students communicate directly with their instructors through the Internet, the article suggested. Some students might find communicating through the computer easier than in person, according to reports. They might interact with instructors and fellow students through bulletin boards and chat programs and enhance their technical skills simply by participating in online studies, reports have suggested.

    Online college studies might also be more “earth friendly,” in part as a result of reduced commuting. They provide opportunities to meet a diverse array of people. In addition to students with family and work responsibilities, those in remote areas or with restricted mobility might find online college classes and online degree programs more accessible.

    Graduate students and industry partners might also benefit from online college, university and technical school offerings, an Arizona university report suggested. One of the university’s three online engineering degree programs allowed a graduate student to continue his education and, according to the student, allows opportunities for research that can benefit employers as well. Online master’s and doctoral degree programs were added to the institution’s mining and geological engineering department, since mining companies consistently need engineers, the report noted.

    Online learning has been described as “student driven.” In order for students to succeed with online university degree program studies, they must make time for them, the US Journal of Academics article noted. Students who fared well with programs at online colleges and universities apparently reported spending two to three hours per credit per week to school work, according to the Journal of Academics article.

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      Online Degrees Programs – Engaging Careers Await Those Students Who Enter The Science Field

      With changing time come changes in occupations. A century ago there were no such things as car mechanics, TV repairmen or computer programmers. Now there isn’t a modern society that can exist without them. One such job with that kind of future is the energy engineer.

      An energy engineer’s responsibility is to audit how machines utilize power and get then figure out how to get the maximum use of it. Simple examples are the energy ratings on refrigerators and air conditioners, or when a utility company sends an expert to see how you can conserve energy in your house. Energy engineers also work on making cars more gas efficient, developing alternative sources of power and even the upcoming overhaul of this nation’s power grid.

      Anyone interested in this growing field should have done well in basic STEM (science, technology, energy, math) courses while in high school. From there, their undergraduate studies should include core mechanical and electrical/electronic engineering courses. Minors should include, believe it or not, some accounting/auditing and business management courses. From there, some sort of professional certification is advised.

      After getting one’s 4-year degree, the next step is for post-grad courses. Most young engineers usually do this while working a regular job and taking courses through an online college. Because of the worldwide need in the specialty, a number of colleges are now offering Masters Degrees in the field. Still, talking to a college career consultant and groups like the Association is advisable.

      Financial assistance for budding energy engineers is better than in many other engineering specialties thanks to the national agenda. As can be expected, there are the regular federal and state grants such as the Pell and SEOG. One can also apply to the National Science Foundation for S-TEM scholarships. If that isn’t enough, there are also a number of professional engineering societies and private corporations who are willing to help stock the labor pool ranging from the Association of Energy Engineers to Chevron.

      When all is said and done, the financial rewards will make the entire process feel worthwhile. The mean salary of an energy engineer salary is approximately $90,000 with full benefits. Top level engineers earn well over $100,000. Many established energy engineers often set up their own agencies, too.

      Until recently, the Bureau of Labor Statistics rated growth in the field as slow, but that is making a major turnaround. A recently issued report moved the growth rate to excellent thanks to the raising costs of power effecting corporate bottom line.

      At the core of this issue though, is new times are creating new professions. The health of the world is hinged on developing new technology that makes better use of disposable energy resources and those participating in online college programs may just be at the forefront.. When we everything from the U.S. overhauling the national power grid to the Gulf Coast oil spill, we can see energy engineers and those who have Online Visual Communication Degrees will be having a very important role in the world’s future.

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