Tag Archives: Nicomachean Ethics

The Politics of Aristotle (Volume 2) (Paperback)

The Politics of Aristotle (Volume 2)

From Library Journal

The past few years have seen a spate of new translations of classic texts in philosophy, in part because of more complete texts on which to base the translations and in part because of a desire to render the texts in a more contemporary English. Simpson (classics and philosophy, CUNY) has produced a fresh and lively translation that is perhaps more logically ordered. He makes a strong case for rearranging the standard order of the books of the Politics to provide a sequence more in keeping with Aristotle’s intentions, positioning Books 7 and 8 to follow Book 3. The text begins with a translation of Book 10, Chapter 9 of the Nicomachean Ethics, which Simpson argues is a precursor to the Politics. A comparison with standard translations, such as those of Jowett and Barker, indicates that Simpson put much effort into this version and clarified a number of points that earlier translations left unclear. An excellent addition to all academic and major pub (more…)

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Classics of Western Philosophy (Paperback)

Classics of Western Philosophy

The seventh edition of Steven Cahn’s “Classics of Western Philosophy” features several major additions, including selections from Plotinus’ “Enneads”, Schopenhauer’s “The World as Will and Representation”, Husserl’s “Paris Lectures”, Wittgenstein’s “Philosophical Investigations”, and a new selection from Hegel’s “Phenomenology of Spirit”. Selections from Aristotle’s “Metaphysics” and “On the Soul” have been expanded, while Aristotle’s “Physics and Nicomachean Ethics”, Hume’s “Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding”, Mill’s “On Liberty”, and Russell’s “The Problem of Philosophy” have been further abridged. In all, the new edition presents complete texts or substantial selections from fifty-six philosophical masterpieces, in pre-eminent and thoughtfully annotated translations and editions, with introductions by a team of distinguished scholars including Sara Ahbel-Rappe, Richard Bett, Steven Cahn, Charles Guignon, Kathleen Higgins, Patricia Kitcher, Philip W. Kitcher, Wi (more…)