Tag Archives: Network Marketing Mlm

Network Marketing MLM Home Business – A few problems that some new MLM marketing people have

Network Marketing MLM Home Business

A few problems that some new MLM marketing people have:

1. No upline support.

Once a person joins a new MLM marketing program, he or she is vulnerable and needs a lot of help from something or someone.

In many cases, the uplines are not actively helping them. This happens a lot when the uplines are simply sponsoring as many people as they can with no regard to what happens to them after they get sponsored.

In most standard MLM marketing programs, it is important that the new person gets immediate assistance from a local person, or tools that you have. Otherwise their chances for survival are very slim.

2. New MLM marketers cannot sell.

This is probably the major reason most people do not make it MLM marketing. By using standard MLM techniques, you have got to sell and learn how to speak at opportunity meetings and the like.

3. MLM’er cannot generate good leads.

Next to the selling problem, this has to be the next biggest reason most people fail in MLM marketing.

Here is a picture of what normally happens. The new person has just signed up in an exciting MLM program. He is taught by the manuals, meetings and so forth, how he should “share” his product with his friends, neighbors and relatives.

Normally, he is not comfortable with this, and if he is typical, he will have many sleepless, tossing and turning nights. He just doesn’t want to “impose” on his friends! He would feel a lot more comfortable just presenting his opportunity to strangers.

4. No true duplicative system.

If the MLM marketing company must be promoted through expensive methods, this is not feasible.
Learning how to sell, or to speak and conduct an opportunity meeting is just not duplicative. Only a few people can do this. Here again, is a very important reason a lot of would be MLM’ers die on the vine.

5. Selling by mail using standard MLM techniques.

Traditional way to marketing MLM is to spend all spare time to call around and travel around to get prospects. A lot of people already have full time job, it is hard to find extra time to travel and make phone calls. This is why these MLM marketers cannot keep their program going.

6. The marketer is not sure about the MLM marketing company or service.

Often a person will sign up in a MLM marketing program in a “fit of excitement.” After the dust clears, he comes down to earth and reality slowly sets in.

Pick an established and financially sound MLM company that is at least two years old with unquestionable products or services. That way, you can feel good about the company and products that you are promoting. There is nothing quite like being able to “tell the complete truth” to your prospective customers.

7. They do not stick with it long enough.

Starting any company takes time, and this is true with an MLM marketing program as well.
By the time you study the program, write and receive literature: study this and sign up; get the literature, etc. a lot of time has been spent. And then you have to generate your leads and so on.

It will take several months before you can expect much of anything to happen to your MLM marketing. You should set in your mind that you are going to stick with this for at least sometime. That just makes good business sense.

Network Marketing MLM Home Business

Network Marketing MLM Home Business

GVO (Global Virtual Opportunities) formerly Kiosk is a company owned by Joel Therien who has a 12 year track of experience in the network marketing and internet marketing industries.

GVO has rapidly created a big buzz in the internet marketing and the MLM , Network marketing arenas due to the fact that it is the only company online that has the knowhow and the expertise to join these two very important business models in a once in a lifetime opportunity.

What makes GVO such an incredible business opportunity?

The tools and resources you get with your hosting account to market and promote your business for one.

Just one tool is Easy Video Producer.

Video Hosting – Why “Not” You tube And How Powerful Video Is To Marketing

Video is one marketing tool no online business can do without. The conversion rate of video media is much higher than the conventional sales page. Video is also a much richer and more versatile media. It is therefore much more effective in getting the sales message across.

Video is so powerful to marketing online that most sales pages online nowadays incorporate video to convey trust through testimonials. In some cases sales pages are totally redone to start off with a video pre-sell that, when done right for the targeted audience, has every potential to vastly outperform traditional sales copy.

So much is the increase in profitability that most registered affiliates are using the video pre-sell method to duplicate the sales pitch of the sales page without stressing the visitor to read through it all.

To incorporate video you normally need video production tools to produce the video, as well as a hosting platform to display the video online. Normal video hosting sites like YouTube just don?t do the online business any justice. Often YouTube either deletes videos or prevent the videos from being embedded into a web page for reasons they alone understand.

Imagine launching an ad campaign to your website that features a YouTube embedded video, only to wake up the next morning and find the video isn’t displaying anymore as YouTube has removed it.

Furthermore, YouTube can display advertising and links to related videos in their video interface that you have absolutely no control over. It simply isn’t a professional way to display videos on your website.

Bandwidth usage and the related costs involved with video hosting is not the biggest issue for an online business. Delivering a quality video display that you have full control over is crucial. Video marketing, when done right, will easily cover the expenses in getting it set up right.

An absolute bargain would be if you can run your business with a web host that also provides you with proper video hosting. You’ll save money while being in full control of your own professional video delivery system.

Network Marketing MLM Home Business