Tag Archives: Negative Thinking

5 Great Ways To Improve Your Confidence And Your Career

Confidence can be an important factor in all areas of life whether that is in your love life, in the workplace or to simply motivate yourself to do the things you want to do. Lots of people are stuck in a career that they don’t really want to be in instead of following their dreams and going after what they really want.

This often comes down to confidence, as the idea of leaving the financial security of a job can be quite daunting. You will also find that people often feel uncomfortable about leaving what they know in exchange for a new work place and surroundings.

If you have found that you are in a situation such as this then there are a number of different solutions to get you out of a negative headset. Taking these simple steps forward can help get you out of your negative way of thinking in order to achieve your goals. Try using the 5 steps below to help you regain your confidence and get your dream job.

1. Realise what you’re doing and stop it. It can be easy to fall into the trap of negative thinking and be self deprecating. It is important to take note of when you do this and take control of it. Imagine a good friend is saying the same thing about themselves and then think of the advice that you would give them. Are you going to agree with what they’re saying? The answer is more than likely to be no.
2. Get Some Confidence From A Coach. If you have been struggling with your confidence for a long time then you might want to seek some help from a confidence coach. Confidence coaching is a great way of learning how best to overcome your problems and deal with them in a positive way.
3. Think Of What You Have Not What You Don’t. It is easy to focus on what you don’t have and what you’re not good at but it is important to focus on the things you do have. If you realise the good things you have then you’re more likely to stay positive.
4. Smile And Sit Up Straight. Just like your grandma always used to tell you, sit up straight and smile and you instantly look more confident and more approachable. Your body language will instantly help give you a good first impression that will make your life a lot easier.
5. Get help with your career. A good career coach will be able to help you get ahead in your current job or advise you on finding a new one. Career coaching will help you to refine the good skills that you already have and help you to develop new skills that you might need for a career change. You can find a coach near you by typing in phrases such as Career Coaching in London into a search engine.

These 5 basic tips for helping to improve your confidence are all great ways to begin. There are a number of different steps that you can use to help improve your confidence but one on one coaching will help.

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The Age Limit of Success

Is there an age limit on success?  Is there an age where you know you have either failed or made it?  Some part of society seems to think so and hence we get many stereotypical depictions of seniors and retired homeowners living in loneliness and misery.  We must arise above this negative imagery!

Aging is nothing but a “fact.”  Some people view it as an obstacle; some people view it with contempt and despair.  However, it is a fact that people age and nothing more.  It is not indicative of a person’s value or of their ability to accomplish something great.  When we age, we also grow in experience, wisdom and intelligence.  After the burden of youth, we all tend to settle down and have more time and more effort to devote to our important pursuits.

Rather than view aging as the end, or the finish line, you should view it as just another obstacle to overcome.  In fact, some people do not even view it in a negative light.  They view it as a pleasure, a time to relax, and a peaceful time.  If you are retired then you no longer have the obligation of raising children or working on a daily basis. 

Unfortunately, people become so accustomed to the old lifestyle, whether or not they enjoy it, that they find themselves at a loss as to what they should do.  This may be how you feel sometimes.  Resist such negative thinking and instead ponder on the possibilities that wait for you.

You could use all this free time to achieve some of the dreams you once had.  Whether these dreams are small or grand doesn’t really matter.  What matters is that you commit yourself to fulfilling them.  You don’t have to spend the rest of your life training for these dreams.  You have already been taught a lifetime of experience.  Use what you know to pursue your greatest ambitions.

If there are obstacles that stand in your way then accept them as obstacles, but do not let them destroy your mission.  Find ways to sidestep these obstacles.  Find ways around them and keep moving ever forward.  You will never regret having taken a chance and failed but will always regret having let opportunity pass you by.  This lesson becomes clearer as we mature in life.

Use your time and resources to achieve something monumental.  There is no age limit of success.  If you are motivated to take action then you can accomplish anything!