Tag Archives: Money

NLP For Beginners: Only The Essentials (Paperback)

NLP For Beginners: Only The Essentials


“This book is simple and user friendly for the lay person who hasn’t the time or money to do NLP certification training. It gives you all of the information that they teach you in those $3,000 one week programs. Lately, in our organization, we have started teaching the practitioner level using NLP For Beginners as a training manual. We also give a copy of the book to every new student. Most of the book is in Q&A format, and that makes complex concepts easier to understand. There are numerous exercises and techniques, explained in direct language and clear instructions. What this book gives, that a lot of other “intro to NLP” books do not, is a chance to really understand the subject. It’s an overview of all the essentials in NLP, and then some.” –Douglas Walsh, NLP Trainer, Dublin’s Altitude Training Center

This book contains a full NLP For Beginners course, but written in a simple down-to-earth language, so that anyone can understand. (more…)

Education Books

Every year at the beginning of the semester every college student faces the problem of buying textbooks for study. According to some data the textbooks are rather expensive nowadays. And each day the price grows. In such case it would be better to consider some alternatives how to lessen your expenses. As far as my personal experience may be taken into account I would recommend you to look at such variant as to buy used textbooks. To the best of our knowledge they are quite cheaper. Besides you may buy them from any student who has used them. So far as is known such offers are available every year. This option is not only very profitable for just you, but for the seller itself. As he would get more money than he would obtain if he provide to any store.

So if you have decided for 100 % that you will buy the used books, you should take into consideration some very important facts. First of all, you should make a list of required books. After doing that try to find all the resources where you can buy them. You must take into consideration the fact that you are not the only one, who is searching these books, so you must start the search as soon as possible. It’s not a secret that there are three main resources: bookstore, online book shops and from the other students. As a matter of fact, the Internet is the best resource to look for required books. Some sites even provide an auction, which is even better as you may get required books for less money. Sometimes you may find all that you need on international sources. If you decide to buy online than check your order several times, because some online shops do not accept the returns of old books. Moreover, you should check the condition of the book itself: it shouldn’t fall apart and it should be legible. Remember, that you will use it for some time, so the condition must be quite good. The other factor to clarify is if the edition being sold complies with the one you will use in class. As there may be some discrepancies between the pages or even some texts, exercises etc. and finally, don’t buy one textbook for several people. Believe me, there would be moments when you would need this book at the same time, besides it is more convenient to use your own book rather than to share it with somebody else. And you will definitely face some difficulties while preparation to the exam.
Hope this information will be quite useful for you and you will find the better way for you.

Education requires money, but it is easy to be frugal on some of the aspects of it – like on college textbooks, for instance. Those who need cheap college textbooks or cheap textbooks in general, please visit this online project and find what you’ve been looking for at a fair price.

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Politics for Dummies (Paperback)

Politics for Dummies

Whether you understand politics or not, it still affects your life in very real ways. But American politics can be confusing. What’s a caucus? How do primaries work? How can you sift through all the babble to get to the truth? Politics For Dummies offers all these answers and more. And it’s not just for political novices; even those with a firm understanding of politics can use this book to fill out their knowledge of the little complexities – from how the Electoral College works to campaign contribution limits. If you have little or no knowledge of politics, don’t worry. Most people need answers just like you do, that’s why this book helps you: Pick the candidate who best represents your views Donate time or money to a campaign Let your representatives know how you feel Run for office yourself This simple, friendly guide offers the kind of straight talk on politics you won’t get from a politician. It covers the nuts an (more…)

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