Tag Archives: Metaphysics

The Law of Attraction for Children

Children will be enchanted by this story. You know the Secret and understand that the Law of Attraction is what moves the Universe. Now it’s time to teach this to our children. Read this book more than once to your child. It is full of suggestions your child will absorb quickly. Teach your children the way to success at an early age. This story is the best gift you could ever give them. They will learn to use their imagination, which is a powerful instrument to attract whatever they want! This book tells about the power of goodness, love, trust, knowledge, and friendship. It teaches the laws of metaphysics that drive the Universe. It also teaches children how to do their part to become successful and reach their goals in life. It is all told through an old and beautiful story from Polynesia. This is the story about the Law of Attraction that was told to the children in Polynesia and has been adapted to current times.


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Classics of Western Philosophy (Paperback)

Classics of Western Philosophy

The seventh edition of Steven Cahn’s “Classics of Western Philosophy” features several major additions, including selections from Plotinus’ “Enneads”, Schopenhauer’s “The World as Will and Representation”, Husserl’s “Paris Lectures”, Wittgenstein’s “Philosophical Investigations”, and a new selection from Hegel’s “Phenomenology of Spirit”. Selections from Aristotle’s “Metaphysics” and “On the Soul” have been expanded, while Aristotle’s “Physics and Nicomachean Ethics”, Hume’s “Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding”, Mill’s “On Liberty”, and Russell’s “The Problem of Philosophy” have been further abridged. In all, the new edition presents complete texts or substantial selections from fifty-six philosophical masterpieces, in pre-eminent and thoughtfully annotated translations and editions, with introductions by a team of distinguished scholars including Sara Ahbel-Rappe, Richard Bett, Steven Cahn, Charles Guignon, Kathleen Higgins, Patricia Kitcher, Philip W. Kitcher, Wi (more…)