Tag Archives: Lost

The Lost Books of the Bible: The Great Rejected Texts

The Lost Books of the Bible: The Great Rejected Texts – Eighteen of the most sought after books available, which shed light on the evolution of our faith, our theology, and our church. Translations and commentary by the author of the best selling book, “The Lost Book of Enoch,” Joseph B. Lumpkin. – Section One: Lost Scriptures of the Old Testament- First Book of Adam and Eve, Second Book of Adam and Eve, First Book of Enoch, Second Book of Enoch (Secrets of Enoch), Jubilees, Jasher, The Story of Ahikar – Section Two: Apocalyptic Writings and the End of Days- Apocalypse of Abraham, Apocalypse of Thomas 4 Ezra, 2 Baruch, War Scroll (Sons of Dark vs. Sons of Light) – Section Three: Lost Scriptures of the New Testament- Gospel of Philip, Gospel of Mary Magdalene, Apocryphon of John, Gospel of Thomas, Gospel of Judas, Acts Chapter

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    Rudimentary Ideas About Means By Which You Can Create Expert Sales Letters

    Writing a promotional letter is tricky and writing a winning sales letter is even harder. Many sales bosses break their heads thinking why they can’t get it right. Well, to respond to this query they should put them in peoples’s shoes and ask what “benefit “would I get by reading this advertising letter? Remember that word “benefit” which is the nub of this discourse. Many sales folk take pieces of info from here and there and create mess out of a promotional letter. They literally throw everything on folk and then get what they merit, instant refusal.

    One should always remember that an advertising letter works only when you have a product to sell and an offer to make. An advertising letter should not be an introduction of your product or company. Remember each word is crucial in the sales letter and do not waste a single one which would distract your potential customer’s attention. They aren’t enthusiastic about the features of you product but an offer or an advantage to them. Think from the customer’s viewpoint and ask yourselves why do I have to read the letter? Is there any benefit or offer to me which can’t be refused? Are you able to convince me that it’s truly a good offer?

    After keeping in mind these things, sales chiefs should apply thought in presenting their letter. The header or the headline is terribly necessary to any marketing letter. It should target right to the buyers of your product. One also must be tiny tactful in use of words and not make the blunders discussed in one a Home Income Profit System I read the other day. But if you are bad at the trade don’t attempt to do it and rather be easy in writing it. The title shouldn’t be more a line, so attempt to be as particular as possible but with maximum affect. No-one has enough time to read each and every letter in this fast-paced time of instant satisfaction. If you’re not able to convey your message to the crowd in stated time, then you have lost those customers. The headline should start with an advantage being offered to the purchaser, although not in the way detailed in a Rapid Automated Income review I’ve seen.. This ensures the client goes to the body of the letter at least.

    Now, having made a good effort with the heading, it is the time to work on the body of the letter. How to maintain the level of keenness that you created in the customer’s mind with the heading? Once again it is important to remember to not to target features of the product you are endeavoring to sell but on the benefits and offers you are making to them. Stuff like what amount of money it is going to save them and how it might affect their lives should be discussed in the body of the letter. Make them realize a need for it and compare it competitor’s product. Remember, a person reading your promotional letter will consistently get questions in mind as to how this will benefit me, after each sentence. So be in a position to clear those doubts and answer the questions. Being little ad hoc in the approach would not do a harm and attempt to grab the awareness by relating things to real life things. You are able to add a bit of humor but unless you’re definite that it won’t be in the bad flavor of the reader. Bring in few previous clients to give testimony of your products. But keep the testimonials believable and something that folk can relate to.

    when you have made clear about the product, do not forget to prompt your audience to take action. If it is an email, prompt your reader to click a link to start now or offer a contact number if it is a direct mail. Also remind them again that if you do not act now you may forfeit the offer as the offer is for restricted time only.

    When you are done with the letter, one of the important parts of the sales letter is P.S. Many individuals simply read the start and end of the letter. Therefore attempt to convey something that may prompt them to go back to the letter and read it. It will be a perfect end to the promotional letter.

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