Tag Archives: Life

Get the Life You Want: The Secrets to Quick and Lasting Life Change with Neuro-Linguistic Programming (Hardcover)

Get the Life You Want: The Secrets to Quick and Lasting Life Change with Neuro-Linguistic Programming


‘Richard Bandler has made an extraordinary contribution to people’s lives across the planet.  His highly powerful personal change techniques have enabled millions around the world to feel better about themselves and improve their lives. He gets results that nobody else can.  Read Richard Bandler’s Guide to Personal Change: It will change your life.’– Paul McKenna, Ph.D., coauthor of I Can Make You Thin and host of TLC’s I Can Make You Thin

When people and therapists alike have a problem they can’t fix, they call Richard Bandler because he delivers–often with miraculous results. Hailed as one of the greatest geniuses in the field of personal change, and the father of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Richard Bandler has helped tens of thousands of people around the globe rid themselves of ‘incurable’ phobias, fears, anxieties, addictions, negative habits, and past traumas often in a single session. Get the Life You Want is Richard Bandler at (more…)

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The Power of Self-Coaching: The Five Essential Steps to Creating the Life You Want [Paperback]

The Power of Self-Coaching: The Five Essential Steps to Creating the Life You Want

The new self-help guide from the author of the highly successful Self-Coaching This empowering guide shows people who are experiencing emotional turmoil in their lives how to reconnect with their innate capacity for genuine happiness—before more serious emotional problems develop. The Power of Self-Coaching offers five simple, practical steps that put people back in touch with their natural and spontaneous potential—the inner power that can transform their lives. Using self-quizzes, training and coaching exercises, Power Drills, and Dr. Luciani’s extremely successful technique of Self-Talk, readers of this book—the essential next level of Self-Coaching—can liberate themselves from reflexive, destructive thinking and begin to create a life of happiness and empowerment. Joseph J. Luciani, PhD (Cresskill, NJ), the author of Self-Coaching (0-471-38737-1), is a psychologist in private practice with more than 25 years of experience.

From the Ba (more…)

The Death and Life of the Great American School System: How Testing and Choice Are Undermining Education (Hardcover)

The Death and Life of the Great American School System: How Testing and Choice Are Undermining Education

From Booklist

*Starred Review* As an education historian and former assistant secretary of education, Ravitch has witnessed the trends in public education over the past 40 years and has herself swung from public-school advocate to market-driven accountability and choice supporter back to public-school advocate. With passion and insight, she analyzes research and draws on interviews with educators, philanthropists, and business executives to question the current direction of reform of public education. In the mid-1990s, the movement to boost educational standards failed on political concerns; next came the emphasis on accountability with its reliance on standardized testing. Now educators are worried that the No Child Left Behind mandate that all students meet proficiency standards by 2014 will result in the dismantling of public schools across the nation. Ravitch analyzes the impact of choice on public schools, attempts to quantify quality teaching, and describes the da (more…)