Is it any wonder that Americans have become so dissatisfied with government today? Politicians have given us soaring federal spending, rampant violations of our constitutional rights, a futile war in Iraq, corruption, incompetence, and a growing nanny state. Now one of the leading libertarian critics of big government raises the flag of freedom. David Boaz takes on both liberals and conservatives who seek to impose their own partisan agendas on the whole country. He discusses the roots of American freedom, the growing libertarian vote in America, the arrogance of politicians, and everything from taxes and education to terrorism and the war on drugs. For the millions of Americans who don’t fit the red-blue divide, who are fiscally conservative and socially liberal, who reject big-government conservatism and nanny-state liberalism, this book points the way to a new politics of freedom.
Tag Archives: Liberals And Conservatives
Moral Politics : How Liberals and Conservatives Think (Paperback)
“[An] unusual mix of judicious scholarship, tendentious journalism and inflammatory wake-up call.” – Editors’ Recommendation, San Francisco Chronicle; “Lakoff, the cognitive linguist, understands ‘how’ you understand. In Moral Politics, [he] deftly applies that seemingly arcane understanding to the heart of American politics…. His commitment is strong and deep, but his language is far from the rhetoric usually associated with political partisanship…. Even those who disagree with him will profit deeply from encountering his challenging ideas.” – Paul Rosenberg, Christian Science Monitor; “Lakoff’s stunning book opens a whole new understanding of public discourse in America. Both conservatives and liberals have much to learn from this work.” – Robert Bellah, University of California, Berkeley
George Lakoffs book is a crucial key to understanding political opponents and achieving political victory. In this first full-scale application of (more…)