Tag Archives: Level

Spanish Now! Level 1 with CDs

The updated 7th edition of this combination textbook and workbook is designed as an introduction to Spanish for classroom use. The emphasis is on oral proficiency—conversational speaking and listening comprehension—but the authors also present detailed instruction in the fundamentals of Spanish grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, and writing in Spanish. The book is filled with exercises and answers, true-to-life dialogues, humorous cartoons, illustrations of Hispanic art, and photos that capture the flavor of Spanish culture in Spain and Latin America. In this new edition, the lessons have been enriched with subtopics to enhance conversational speech. Also new with this edition are four compact discs that have been updated in content, and which replace the previously available tape cassettes, This audio component supplements the book, providing valuable instruction in listening comprehension and correct pronunciation of spoken Spanish. A teacher’s manual is also
Sale Price:[productprice id=0764177745 web=com asotag=1amazingincom-20]


Spanish for Gringos Level 1 with 3 Audio CDs (Barron’s Educational Series)

Now in its third edition, and featuring additional commonly used words and phrases, this popular and informal self-instruction program is a quick and easy way to pick up informal, practical Spanish without having to memorize tedious rules. ItÂ’s designed for English-speakers who are in regular contact with Hispanics and need to communicate with them for both work purposes and social situations. Most-often-used Spanish words and phrases are emphasized and repeated in different contexts. The author also advises on Spanish pronunciation and improving listening comprehension. The three enclosed audio CDs reflect the bookÂ’s contents and demonstrate correct Spanish
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