Tag Archives: Law of Attraction

Law of Attraction Directly from Source: Leading Edge Thought, Leading Edge Music

***Music CD with insert, which will have all the song lyrics

       Through the magical projection of high-vibration music, Law of Attraction Directly from Source will powerfully and playfully immerse you in the progressive stream of thought and the highly practical wisdom of The Teachings of Abraham.
        Each track features Leading Edge electronically influenced music that has been woven around the empowering and upbeat voice of Esther as she speaks for Abraham—a Non-Physical group of highly evolved teachers.
        So just relax and listen quietly, or crank it all the way up as you move and groove with your own vibrational being. Either way, prepare yourself for a sonic ride on the soothing—yet soul-stirring—audio stream of Well-Being.


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The Rich Switch – The Simple 3-Step System to Turn on Instant Wealth Using the Law of Attraction

“How Rich Do You Want to Be?” You’re about to learn the money manifesting secrets most people will never know. It has nothing to do with the stock market, real estate, or investing. Getting rich is easy! In fact, it’s so simple, anybody can do it! Let me show you the process rich people have known for hundreds of years… You’ll learn how to attain massive wealth with just three easy-to-follow steps. In this book, you’ll learn: – The single biggest reason most people are broke (and stay that way)… and how you can make sure you aren’t one of these people! – A way rich people spend money…which actually increases wealth! – The true secret to unlimited wealth! (99% of people are absolutely floored by this secret… because… they didn’t have the slightest clue.) – A way to handle “pocket change” which may very likely double your income this year! (This “trick” only takes 3 seconds per day!) – Four powerful “target words” which you can add to the end of


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    The Law of Attraction, Plain and Simple: Create the Extraordinary Life That You Deserve

    Readers of The Law of Attraction, Plain and Simple can live the life of their dreams, their “greatest life,” by applying Sonia Ricotti’s eleven simple steps to enjoy freedom and inner peace in every area of life.

    The Law of Attraction states that we attract into our lives what we project into the universe. Written in concise, plain English and filled with stories, tips, and exercises, this book helps readers shift their thoughts, language, and emotions to emit positive vibrations and attract all they want in life. Using the eleven steps in this book, readers stop projecting negative energy and learn to project positive energy at all times. The eleven steps include:

      Decide What You Want
      Choose Your Thoughts and Feelings
      Unleash the Past
      Keep the End in Mind
      Connect Mind, Body, and Spirit
      Choose Your Friends Carefully
      Allow It (allow what you attract to arrive)

    With The Law of Attraction, Plain and Simpl


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