Tag Archives: Large

LARGE PRINT EDITION Authorized King James Version Holy Bible for Kindle (With Kindle Audiobook Technology) Best Selling Bible of All Time (KJV) Full Old Testament & New Testament (ILLUSTRATED)

ILLUSTRATED VERSION:Contains 10 illustrations depicting key characters from both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible including* Abraham* Isaac* Mary* Jesus Christ* St. Peter* St. PaulOVERVIEWThis volume contains the first and currently only LARGE PRINT Amazon Kindle edition of the authorized King James Version (KSV) Holy Bible. 1) This Bible for the Kindle contains the complete and unabridged Old and New Testaments.2) This Bible further benefits from a fully interactive Table of Contents which allow users to select specific books AND chapters in BOTH the Old and New Testaments. 3) This Bible also benefits from Amazon Kindle Text-to-Speech Audiobook technology, WHICH CAN “READ” each book, chapter and verse of the Bible OUT LOUD along with the corresponding specific verse numbers.PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONThe King James Bible has been the most widely known and quoted version of the Bible for over three centuries, and has shaped both Western culture and the English language. The Authorized
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Oxford American Large Print Dictionary

Now in an affordable, convenient paperback edition, The Oxford American Large Print Dictionary offers visually impaired readers a vibrant language reference of the highest quality. In addition to solid coverage of the core English vocabulary, including new words and senses, with definitions that are concise and easy-to-understand, The Oxford American Large Print Dictionary also includes thousands of difficult and literary words that are most often looked up. It also includes short, accessible notes on difficult spellings, confusable words, and tricky areas of usage. The book’s clear page layout, designed in association with Lighthouse International, offers enlarged fonts, larger margins, generous line spacing, and good quality paper, ensuring that there is a minimum of glare and show-through. And as with all Oxford American dictionaries, the book employs an easy-to-use system to show how entries are pronounced. It uses simple, familiar markings to represent common A


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Large Print American Heritage Dictionary for Low Vision – Hardcover

Large Print American Heritage Dictionary for Low Vision - HardcoverNo description for this product could be found, but have a look over at Amazon for reviews and other information.

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