Tag Archives: Kidney

Text-Book of Physiological and Pathological Chemistry (Classic Reprint)

PROFESSOR BUNGE’S Lectures on Physiological Chemistry have had a great iufluence on physiological thought both here and abroad. Representing as they do the ideas which have produced throughout many years discoveries of fundamental importance in the school of Schmiedeberg, they have served to spread the method of thought of that school and to render more effective the work of men in other laboratories. Among these researches, I might especially mention those of Schmiedeberg alone or in conjunction with his pupils on the mechanism of oxidation in the body, on the occurrence of synthetic processes in the body (e. g., the synthesis of hippuric acid in the kidney, worked out by Bunge and Schmiedeberg), SchrOder’s work on the formation of urea, Minkowski and N aunyn on uric acid, Minkowski on the production of diabetes by extirpation of the pancreas, besides researches into the chemistry of nucleins, of chondrin, the mucins (Leathes), and many other subjTable of Contents CONTENTS; LECTURE

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