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7 Reminders For Better Search Engine Optimization Copywriting

At first glance, writing for the web seems to be very easy. All copy should be short, direct to the point and with keywords put in the right places. But when your web copy gets too few visitors, that is when you start to think about your own writing skills. Learn these seven search engine optimization copywriting suggestions to help you with your online marketing and soon you’ll be a top copywriter yourself just like John Carlton.

1. Conduct a keyword research before anything else.

The reason why this kind of copywriting is related to search engine optimization is because your aim is for your website, or your client’s website, to get as much traffic from the search engines. This is true the use of keywords and the organic traffic from the search results utilizing these keywords. That is why it is necessary that you do a keyword research first to learn the keywords people use to be able to find your website.

2. Research about your topic.

Doing a market research is important because it gives you a clearer idea about the topic or the market of the product or service you are writing a copy for. John Carlton’s Simple Writing System emphasizes the importance of doing this kind of research before you even start on your copy writing.

3. Write for human readers.

The problem with many SEO copywriters is that they usually just think about the keyword density and keyword placement in their copy than their writing making any real sense at all. You should avoid this bad practice and instead focus on making your copy writing a good read after all.

4. Do not make your copy too long unless it is necessary.

People have a very short attention span when it comes to reading online. And they seldom actually read, but more on browse the web pages. For this reason, it is best that you make your paragraphs as concise as possible and to not go beyond more than 2,000 words. Of course it really depends on the topic of your article.

5. Write a title that attracts.

Your title is your first chance in getting the attention of the reader. If it is intriguing and informative enough, it would attract the reader to read the rest of the copy.

6. Keep the promise you made in your title.

Do not make your titles sound too over achieving that the rest of the copy cannot cope up with it. If you made a promise in your title, make sure that you can deliver on that promise within the copy.

7. Aim for a conversion.

The purpose of any search engine optimization copywriting is to make a conversion after the reader has finished reading your copy. The most common way to achieve this is to make a call to action at the end of your copy.

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