Tag Archives: Illustrations

A Text-Book of Precis-Writing

General Books publication date: 2009 Original publication date: 1906 Notes: This is a black and white OCR reprint of the original. It has no illustrations and there may be typos or missing text. When you buy the General Books edition of this book you get free trial access to Million-Books.com where you can select from more than a million books for free. Excerpt: CHAPTER IV. THE LONDON UNIVERSITY MATRICULATION EXAMINATION. Precis-writing was introduced into the London Matriculation Examination for the first time in September, 1902; and since that date it has formed an important part of the English paper. The character of the examination can scarcely as yet perhaps be regarded as settled. In the earlier papers the Examiners asked the candidates to make a precis of official correspondence very similar in kind to the documents met with in Civil Service examinations. More recently the Examiners have given the outlines of a precis on some historical or geographical subject and

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American Sign Language Green Books, A Student’s Text Units 19-27 (Green Book Series)

American Sign Language:
presents major grammatical features of ASL through dialogues
familiarizes students with the intricate features of ASL structrure
discusses individual grammatical features with sample drills to reinforce mastery of each one.
Illustrations and photographs display the various expressive and nonmanual elements of ASL sentences and structure, enabling students to grasp concepts more

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American Sign Language Dictionary Unabridged

Appearing first in 1981, this dictionary remains the largest and most comprehensive book of sign language ever published. Now, completely revised and expanded, American Sign Language features:

  • More than 7,000 sign entries, plus cross-references
  • More than 12,000 illustrations
  • 2,000 more signs than any other ASL dictionary, including dozens of signs that have only recently come into usage
  • Arranged alphabetically to enhance usability

Other features include a pronunciation guide for Englishlanguage glosses and a foreword to the original edition by the late Mary E. Switzer, United States Commissioner of Vocational Rehabilitation.

American Sign Language (ASL) is the third most frequently used language in the United States after English and Spanish. ASL has its own distinct grammar and syntax. The entries appearing herein represents signs, not words, and the illustrations of the hand, arm, and facial expressions will aid the reader


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