Tag Archives: How To Achieve Your Goals

Secrets to Winning at Office Politics: How to Achieve Your Goals and Increase Your Influence at Work (Paperback)

Secrets to Winning at Office Politics: How to Achieve Your Goals and Increase Your Influence at Work


“A terrific new book about office politics . . . it’s a must-read!” — Fortune Magazine,online careers column, August 2005″Fresh, thoughtful, and provocative . . .McIntyre has written one of the best guidebooks to date on this subject for career-oriented professionals.” — The Albuquerque Tribune, October 2005″Practical advice and self-assessment questions and surveys make the book a gem. . . . It’s a keeper!” — Gwinnett Business Journal (Atlanta, GA), September, 2005″Thorough and thoughtful, [the author] is no Pollyanna and has a realistic understanding of how things really work and why.” — The Miami Herald, August 6, 2005″[Helps people] focus on actions that will move them towards their goals and gain leverage within the organization.” — Atlanta Business Chronicle, January, 2006Teaches readers how to size up the political climate . . . and deal with quirky bosses and co-workers who are downright difficult. — New York Post (online), November 2005


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