Tag Archives: Heritage

The American Heritage Medical Dictionary (American Heritage Dictionary)

The American Heritage Medical Dictionary is a highly respected source of state-of-the-art information for students and consumers without specialized medical knowledge, as well as for health-care professionals. This unparalleled resource is for anyone who desires the authoritativeness, comprehensiveness, and accuracy of the hardcover dictionary in an especially user-friendly, portable, and compact format.

The clear, concise definitions are up-to-date and highly readable. Many new words have been added, encompassing diagnoses and treatments (microcalcification, bisphosphonate), health-care delivery (concierge medicine), and the generic and brand names of new drugs. Thousands of definitions have been revised to reflect current medical research, practice, and technology. Twelve pages of clearly labeled anatomic illustrations enhance the text. Every clinical specialty is covered, including dentistry, genetics, and veterinary medicine, along with related subjects such as alternat


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    The American Heritage High School Dictionary

    The American Heritage(R) High School Dictionary features more than 200,000 clear, understandable definitions enhnaced by 2,500 photographs and illustrations. Unparalleled in design and ease of use, its features such as usage notes and etymologies distinguish it from every other high school dictionary.


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      The American Heritage Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs

      The ability to understand and use phrasal verbs—verbs that are followed by one or more particles, acting as a complete lexical unit—is essential to the full comprehension of English. The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs lists and defines thousands of phrasal verbs, such as look up as used in the sentence “She looked up the word in the dictionary.” Extremely useful to both learners of English as a second language and native speakers of English, this completely new reference work draws on the authority of The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition, while incorporating new material for thorough, up-to-date coverage of phrasal verbs. Each fully defined phrasal verb is entered in an A–Z format and is followed by helpful example sentences that place the verb in context and show how the verb fits into the sentence structure. For example, at button up, meaning “to fasten all the buttons on a garment,” full sample sentences illustrate


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