Tag Archives: Game

Scrabble Crossword Game

Scrabble Crossword Game

Editorial Review

After all these years, it’s still hard to get a triple word score, the tiles are still made of wood, and there’s only one “X” in the whole box. The game of Scrabble has sparked feuds and a near-cult following. All the fuss is over a spelling game that hasn’t had an upgrade in 50 years. It takes a little luck and a lot of skill to make high-scoring words out of seven little letters, sometimes with an overabundance of vowels and letters that don’t go together–sometimes there’s Q without U. Two to four players battle it out on the board, and while some players might be proud of impressive words (“I spelled gestalt!”), skilled players know how to use the premium letter and word squares on the 225-square board to their best advantage. This crossword game has strict rules (no names, no slang) and comes with a warning label: “Choose a dictionary first to avoid any ugly word disputes.” –Lynne Sampson

The classic crossword game played by (more…)

Game Change: Obama and the Clintons, McCain and Palin, and the Race of a Lifetime (Hardcover)

Game Change: Obama and the Clintons, McCain and Palin, and the Race of a Lifetime

From Booklist

Even before the book was out, its juiciest bits were everywhere: Sarah Palin was serene when chosen for V.P. because it was “God’s plan.” Hillary didn’t know if she could control Bill (duh). Elizabeth Edwards was a shrew, not a saint. Overall, the men from the campaign garner less attention in these anecdote wars than the women and tend to come off better—but only just: Obama, the authors note, can be conceited and windy; McCain was disengaged to the point of recklessness; and John Edwards is a cheating, egotistical blowhard. But, hey, that’s politics, and it’s obvious that authors Heilemann (New York Magazine) and Halperin (Time) worked their sources well—all 200 of them. Some (including the sources themselves) will have trouble with the book’s use of quotes (or lack thereof). The interviews, according to the authors, were conducted “on deep background,” and dialogue was “reconstructed extensively” and with “extreme care.” So (more…)

How do I learn to play electric guitar

Almost 6 months ago I began to search for learning to play the electric guitar. Despite this, it was not 't easy, proved to be one of my best decisions. If you are considering learning to play, I assure you that I won 't be sorry.

When I started, I was extremely aprehensive goal seemed so far away. It took a while to “get through bad advice and useless exercise. After that, what really got to me.

Since nobody wanted to learn new, everyone was shocked that I am still interested. The fact is that this is something I always wanted to do since childhood, and I finally decided to give it a go. In the first few months it appeared that never happened. Well, I hung there until the whole row for me. I 'm proud say that I could play.

If you always wanted to learn to play the electric guitar, the first step is to create a promise to myself that I never give up. It's so easy to just leave the guitar in the corner and the other transducers. Let 's face it, not the easiest task in the world. If you stay in the game and find the best tools for learning in your style, you can play your favorite songs! When you get there and call a guitarist, will not have one regret. I am very proud d